Ritual Of The Seven Sins

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Have you ever been hurt by someone that you thought you could trust? Ever wished that you could have seen it coming? That if only if you could have seen the person for what they truly were, the evil, soul sucking bastard that they were. Well there is a way...

Now before you say anything, no this is not some sort of blood sacrifice to the Lord of the Underworld. The Devil has no such use or desire for the killing of a random creature and if he did, don't you think the he would merely do it himself. However I wouldn't recommend that perform this ritual for fear that if anything goes wrong... I'll leave it to your imagination as to what horrors you'll unleash upon yourself. Instead I advise you to stop reading now and never ever come back.

But if you are truly serious, as you mist be if you have bothered to listen up to this point, there is a way. You will need the following items. A container of salt (any old stuff from your local store will do, just make sure you have enough). You will require a match or flint lighter. A large sheet of paper and pencil with which to draw (don't worry either about having to memorise ancient aramaic or Latin symbols or words) and finally and most importantly: an item of great sentimental value to you. I cannot stress how important this last item is for several reasons, foremost being that the ritual will not work without it. Now what this item is doesn't really matter, as long as it means a lot to you as a person. Family photos of special events are recommended if it was an occasion etched into your memory. If you have a lucky pencil case or something similar, that's also perfect. Avoid items you have many of or that you would have little or no problem giving to any but your closest friend.

Now for the ritual itself. It is best if you can find a place alone although not essential. But then again if you don't want a family member walking in on you doing, what must appear to them, as some insane ritual of the Occult then, yeah you may want to avoid doing it in somewhere were you can be undisturbed. You should ideally get there at 11:30pm and make sure that you are bearing no religious icons. The ..I give it great honour to call it a creature but it is the only word I can think of..won't see it as a deterrent and more of an insult. It's the equivalent of some random dude breaking into your house and waving his junk in your face. Best case senario, it doesn't appear. Worst case, they'll find your remains splattered all over the walls. So no crucifixes, no stars of David or anything which represents a faith. Even if the religion isn't real, like one from a video game or movie is a bit of a gamble, so best just avoid it all together.

Next you must pour the salt in a circle large enough for a person to stand in with relative comfort. Make sure it is a complete circle, any breaks in it could prove disastrous. Then take the pencil and write a name on the piece of paper and place it in the circle. Now light the flame and hold it in your left hand and your object in your right. As the clock approaches midnight, repeat the following phrase. "I turn from the Lord who would hide the true nature of his creation to one who will reveal to me the truth hidden within the lies." Then say the name on the paper before continuing. "To thee I offer a gift of friendship ." Place the object in the circle as your gift in the circle. Then wait until our clock strikes midnight and blow out your candle so that the dark consumes you. Count to Thirteen quietly and then relight the candle.

If all has gone to plan, there should be a person standing in the circle in front of you. Don't worry, they wouldn't dare hurt you for whatever they would do to you would be inflicted ten fold upon them. Yet you won't feel entirely right either. Despite being divinely beautiful, the person will seem to exude an order of pure wrongness as your instincts scream at you to that this thing does not belong on this world. You will feel icy cold and unable to move and it should be unable to hear much over the drumming of your own heart. Then the person will introduce themself as by the name you wrote on the paper and that they accept your generous gift amd that they wish to repay you. Politely nod and say that it is not necessary (they love manners) until they say "Oh but I insist." You will feel dizzy and fall asleep only to find yourself in a strange maze when you awaken. It will be overgrown with roots snaking out across the path and that sense of wrongness will feel stronger, hanging over you like a fog.

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