The Heaven Project

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I awoke in a dark room on a cold, hard floor. It's difficult to tell how long I've been laying here, but the creaks in my bones and aches in my muscles tell me that it has been a while. My mind feels empty, blank, desolate. I quickly glance around, surveying my surroundings. From what I can tell, I am in a windowless room, which would explain the darkness.

I push my self up slowly and rise to my feet. At first I stumble a bit and nearly fall over but I luckily catch myself. 'Have I been kidnapped?' I wonder. The room appears to be completely empty. No chairs or bindings or anything one would expect to see when they've been kidnapped. I feel slightly relieved and began to shuffle over to the walls of the room. It is fairly small, about the size of a bedroom.

Through the darkness I can make out the shape of a door. I fumble for the handle blindly and finally feel my fingers close around it. I flinch a bit at the handle's icy coldness but nonetheless attempt to turn it. Nothing. The damn thing won't budge.

Pain suddenly shoots through my skull like a bullet. I remember the headlights, the car crash, the fear, and most of all the pain. I clutch my head and squeeze my eyes shut, hoping that the white-hot pain will subside. I stumble away from the door and land flat on my rear. After a few seconds, it finally fades away and the horrifying realization begins to dawn on me. "Am I dead?" I wonder aloud.

As if to answer my question, a door swings open and blinding light filters into the room. I shield my still sensitive eyes from the glaring light. Two men step in. One is tall and has a shock of blond hair and deep blue eyes. The other is shorter and has shaggy brown hair and quick green eyes that dart around. They are both wearing suits and have what appears to be wings protruding from their backs. They're each grinning widely at me, revealing their pearly white teeth.

"Welcome to Heaven, Jason Gray." the tall one says in a voice smooth as silk.
"Heaven?" I ask. The angels nod, their grins still present. I lose myself in thought. How did I get to heaven? I wasn't a particularly bad person when I was alive, but I wasn't religious either. "Why am I here?" I asked, confusion clearly written on my features. "Because everyone goes to heaven. Hell is just a little lie to push you in the right direction. Ultimately, everyone ends up here." the tall one explained calmly. It seemed as if he had to explain this to people a lot.

"We're here to take you on a tour of heaven!" the shorter one says, bouncing up and down in excitement. "A tour?" I ask, standing up once again. "Follow us." the tall one says, striding out of the room. I notice as they turn their backs that the wings are stitched on. The sutures appeared to be sloppy and rushed as if the patient was moving around a lot during the procedure. What kind of place is this?

A bright white light floods my vision as I exit the room. I quickly turn around and see that the door I had just come through was gone, vanished as if it had never existed into the first place. The short one giggles a bit at my bewilderment and motions for me to follow. Turning my gaze forward I can see a factory of sorts. There are other angels dressed in work clothes pushing carts full of lumpy objects everywhere. It is difficult to tell what the objects are.

I see a quite pretty female worker push a cart nearby me. Her hair is the shade of an autumn afternoon and her eyes are like sunlight shining through a glass of whiskey. I flash her a quick smile and she turns to smile back. Oh god. Her face. Half of her face appeared to have been burned off. Her teeth and gums are clearly showing, pearly white bone with glistening pink flesh encasing them. It appears to be the only part of her tortured face that isn't marred.

I quickly avert my eyes from the grisly sight, choking back vomit. My guides take no notice of my repulsion, or if they did they didn't show it nor care. "What exactly is this place?" I manage to choke out. "Heaven." they both reply in unsettling unison. I shake my head. "No, it's supposed to be all pearly white gates and cherubs, right?" My guides both look at each other as if they're the parents of a child who's asking why the sky is blue. "All will be explained soon, Jason." the tall one said. Their ever-present smiles are beginning to unnerve me even more. I would answer them if I wasn't so occupied with choking down my own stomach acids.

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