Tree House

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Victoria's P.O.V.

"VICTORIA!" Master yells.

"I've got to go, probably to get beaten." I mutter, to Sandra.

She nods, wishes me good luck, and I head on my way.

I walk into Master's room.

"You called?" I ask.

"Yes, come sit." Master says in his fake happy voice.

I sit where Master had directed me.

"So." Master starts.

He sits in a dark purple chair, that makes the top half of his face covered by shadows. He props his feet up on a mahogany coffee table.

I raise my eye brows, waiting for him to finish.

"Have you... um... 'served' Anthony recently?" Master asks.

"Oh, um, no... He hasn't called for me." I reply, confused on what this is about.

"Very interesting, thank you... that'll be all." He replies ominously.

I curtsie and walk out the door.

I roll my eyes, and continue walking.

I almost get to the servants quarters, when I bump into none other than, Anthony.

Anthony's P.O.V.

"Hello," Victoria curtsies.

"Hello!" I smile, before picking her up bridal style and carrying her out to our old tree house.

I have thought this out flawlessly and have have it planned out so that it is fool proof!

I have to put her down, so that she can climb.

Of course she has to obey.

"What is the point of this?" She asks as she's climbing up the ladder.

"You will see." I answer.

"There are going to be cobwebs, and spiders, and bugs." She  mutters.

I laugh, and say "lighten up!"

I get up the ladder, and walk through the doorway.

She looks to me suspiciously,

"you brought me up here to clean didn't you?" She asks.

I laugh. "I think it looks clean enough to me..." I think for a minute, "you've been up here since I left haven't you?"

She blushes and looks down.

"No, I came to do this!" I push her against the wall, and kiss her lips.

I pull away, and she smirks.

"if that was it, then I must get chores done." She sighs.

I laugh, grab her hand, and pull her to our makeshift library.

"Anthony!" She giggles.

"Aww, Vic, come on... you know, you like it!"

She smirks.

"You didn't think I forgot your nickname, did you?" I ask, in false shock.

She laughs, and punches my arm playfully.


"So, what was it like at prep school?" Victoria asks.

I think back. "Awful." I reply.

"That bad?" She looks concerned.

"Yeah, they were trying to teach us that slaves weren't people... and they are just here to serve us."

*Flash back*

"They are people too!" I had protested.

"No, they are just here to serve us..." My teacher responds.

'Maybe she is right...' I had thought, but then I remembered our kiss from before I left.

"But, she's so much more-" I accidentally let slip.

"She...?" the teacher asked.

I covered my mouth, tears welled up in my eyes.

My teacher laughed,"Whoever this 'She' is, is just a slave... she'll never be more, and you need to learn that. You should just forget what ever you THOUGHT you had with her."

A tear fell from my left eye.

The teacher laughed at my pain, and forced me to stand in front of the class.

"See this, students... This is the pain that our SLAVES bring when we get to close." She cringed her nose in disgust. "This is why we must train them, and work them... so that they don't have to energy to get close to our hearts." Another tear fell from my eye, as the other students cheer.

"SHE'S NOT LIKE THAT!" I had yelled.

"There all like that." My teacher had sneered, shoving me back in my seat.

*End of flashback*

A tear falls from my left eye, bring more.

"What is wrong?" Victoria asks, since she of course couldn't see my memory.

I wipe my eyes. "Nothing!" I lie.

"You sure?" She presses.

"Positive." I insist.

All of a sudden, her tiny arms wrap around me. I hug her back, tightly.

"I'll never hurt you." She says, as if she read my mind. I'm sure that she just thought someone hurt me at the school, and that's why I was crying.

"And I'll never hurt you." I reply.

Her chin quivers,

"No, no... don't cry." I whisper, stroking her hair. "Don't cry, my love."

She stiffens at the words ' my love', but then relaxes.

She sits up, its only slightly obvious that she has been crying before I brought her up here.

I kiss her on the cheek, then kiss her on the lips, enjoying the strawberry flavor that her lips tasted of.

"I love you." I whisper, so softly that I can barely hear it.

She sighs. "I have chores to do..." She tells me.

"Okay, I'll see you later." I tell her, as she climbs the ladder.

A/N: Well, did I tell y'all that we won our meet!

Okay, I have nothing else to say...

~Bailey! <3

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