Psycho: Part Two

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"I don't understand" Jennie cried as Detective Kang placed the brunette's arms behind her back and handcuffed her wrists. Seulgi swung the suspect around and began to forcefully pull her across the apartment and towards the door, "there's nothing to understand. You're a wanted criminal and I'm arresting you. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law". 

"I want my lawyer!" Jennie demanded while being dragged down the street in a very undignified manner, as tears continued to roll down her cheeks. "You'll have the opportunity to call for legal representation when you're at the station Kim, however Namjoon is an accessory to the crime and so will be arrested shortly, he won't be helping you" the detective replied as she pulled Jennie towards her car, "what the fuck?!" she exclaimed as she saw her car window smashed. ~Lisa~ Jennie thought to herself, ~I should have listened to her~

Seulgi tried her best to ignore the rain splashing in her face from the smashed window as she drove through the night towards the police station, Jennie cuffed in the back. "How do you even sleep at night" Jennie asked, venom in her tone of voice. Seulgi sighed, "I realise that you're probably hurt but it wasn't anything personal, I was just doing my job. And seen as you're a murderer and a wanted fugitive I don't think you're in much position to be asking that question". Jennie shook her head slowly, still teary eyed, "I'm not a murderer, the only crime I've ever committed was breaking out of prison and that was to save my life. The crimes I was sentenced for I didn't even know I was slept with me Seulgi, are you even gay or bi?". "No, I'm straight" the detective replied bluntly, "and aside from the crimes you deny committing, you've also been recruiting other wanted criminals and keeping them in your apartment, where are they by the way? If you help me out now it might make your sentence a little lighter in court. So, where is Manoban and the others?". Jennie looked down at the floor of the car, spotting something shiny underneath the seat, she rolled it with her foot to see if it was anything that could help her escape from the car, "uh...Seulgi, why is there a helmet in your car?". Seulgi looked at Jennie in the rear view mirror and raised one eyebrow, "I...I don't know actually, I didn't know I had a helmet. But stop looking for an excuse to change the subject. It would be better for you to tell me what you know now about their locations before I get you locked in an interview room". Jennie stared back intensely into the mirror, locking eyes with Seulgi's reflection, "I'm not telling you shit!". Jennie's words gave Seulgi flashbacks of a few days ago, they're the same words of the assassin, "tell me about Lone Wolf, Kim. How does she fit in to all this?". "I didn't hire her if that's what you're asking" the brunette replied. Detective Kang tapped her fingers against the steering wheel as the car stopped at the traffic lights, "for what it's worth, I believe you on that one". 

Jennie started to lose control of her breathing as she had to try and prevent a panic attack, "Seulgi please help me, this is a conspiracy against by my father, if I go back to prison I'll die". The detective again looked at Jennie briefly in the mirror, "if you are worried about receiving the death penalty, I wouldn't be, nobody has been executed in this country in years, and besides a court is hardly likely to sentence a group of young pretty women to death no matter what you've done". Jennie kicked the helmet in frustration, "Seulgi you aren't listening to me, my father is trying to kill me, he framed Lisa for the murder of Di Stefano, and he set me up too, he tried to kill us in prison that's why we escaped, to save ourselves. A woman named Hyuna was placed there to kill us, she killed a friend of mine Nayeon, a girl called Yeri and then she killed Dahyun. Please listen to me". "Shut up before I gag you" the seemingly unimpressed detective responded, though her mind was ticking away, ~I wonder if she's referring to Kim Hyuna...~

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