Sympathy For the Devil

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Jennie gasped as she spotted the blood stained body of Sunmi on the floor, motionless. "Don't worry, she isn't dead" Dara said coldly, "I hope you've been paying your doctor well, she's very loyal. I offered her a lot of money to leave but she refused, she pointed a gun at me and told me she'd shoot if I didn't go and I believed her until I saw the gun shaking in her hand. But she'll live, I wouldn't kill anyone that isn't a threat to me". "What do you want?" Jennie asked, trying her best to remain calm. Dara ran her finger along the table, flicking away the small bit of dust, "I told you, I am here because of my client. It is my understanding you have involved G-Dragon in a hit on Chaerin, I'm afraid I can't allow that to happen". Jennie didn't know how to comprehend the situation, she knew she was in danger but this was so weird, "why would someone in such a respectable position come to the home of an escaped convict with a gun? Why not hire someone else". The older woman smiled, "you're a little more than just an escaped convict aren't you Jennie, you're jopok, mafia. I came here personally to protect Chaerin, a task I don't trust with anyone else". Jennie's eyebrow raised a little, "you're in love with her". Dara sighed and used her free hand to reach into the collar of her black button shirt, she pulled out a chain that rested around her neck, on the end of the chain was a golden ring, a wedding ring. And a diamond studded engagement ring next to it, she glanced her gaze down back to Lisa for a few seconds, "I know you can understand how I feel Jennie, you've done all the things I've done. You've fallen in love with someone you were never supposed to, right? Just like me you fell for the violent rebel you were no doubt warned away from. The respectable academic women falling for the trouble making renegades. But it isn't them, it never was. In truth, it's us, we are the bad ones. They are just living the lives they were given at a young age, what other option did they have? Lisa, Chaerin, they aren't bad people, not really. Me and you Jennie? We are the villains, because we had a choice, we had money, respect, friends, we had it all but we choose to make the bad decisions".

Dara gently stroked Lisa's hair as she continued to talk to Jennie, "as you can no doubt imagine, Chaerin has developed quite a lot of enemies in her line of work, a lot of people who mean to harm her. I've always made it my responsibility to save her from those people, to make them go away. But as powerful a lawyer as I am, not every problem can be solved legally", the brown haired woman took her hand away from Lisa and inspected her gun, before looking Jennie straight in the eyes with a piercing gaze that made the younger girl shiver, "you are a problem, Jennie Kim". Jennie knew she was in trouble, she had to do something, in the corner of her eye she spotted Sunmi's gun on the floor, that the doctor must have dropped when Dara attacked her. She started to very slowly shuffle towards the gun, in hopes she could grab it quickly. Sandara stretched out her arm suddenly, pointing her gun directly at Lisa's head, pushing the barrel against the comatose girl's skull, "I'll blow her brains out before you could make it two steps". Jennie froze, fearing for her own life was one thing, but seeing the gun pressed against Lisa's head made the woman feel a sickness in her stomach that was indescribable, she had never been more terrified in her entire life. 

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