Her Mother's Daughter

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                                                                                            The End

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                                                                                            The End

Sirens of 10 different ambulances and about 20 police cars screamed through the streets as they flooded the area where a massacre had taken place right in the heart of Seoul. Detective Kang Seulgi was one of the first to the scene after being called by Officers Mina and Taehyung. While all the other police officers and paramedics stood in shock at the sight of all the bodies, Seulgi and her two police friends exchanged silent glances, almost as if they were communicating telepathically, all knowing exactly what was going on. 

Only one block and a few yards away stood two young women, kissing passionately against a wall in a dark alleyway, too lost in each other to notice the panic and sirens. Lisa pulled away very slightly from Jennie, her lips red and swollen, "we need to breathe baby" she panted. "I know" Jennie gasped in response before immediately grabbing the Thai's cheeks with both hands and kissing her deeply again. 

Lisa's bangs stuck to her face where the snow had made her hair wet, her cheeks were flushed red from the cold and her eyes were watering yet she had the biggest grin on her face as she and Jennie looked into each others eyes, no words, they weren't necessary. "You're shivering" Lisa said as she frowned and the smile dropped from her face. Jennie shook her head, "no I'm fine I just-". The Thai placed her finger gently on the older girl's lips, "shh baby, lets go home". The guilt stricken Jennie Kim was about to protest until she felt Lisa's fingers slide in between her own, connecting together perfectly as though their hands were made for each other, when Lisa was there everything was ok, Jennie felt safe and protected. The tall Thai girl smiled tenderly as Jennie nodded in agreement, the two girls walked hand in hand through the streets as the snow fell from the night sky like they didn't have a care in the world.

"So we ended up making a deal together and now Chaerin is on our si-...Lisa?" Jennie twirled around in a circle, looking in all directions for her girlfriend who had seemed to disappear. "Lis? Where are you? Lisa!" Jennie started to get paranoid, had something happened to the younger girl or was this just one of her dreams again, having Lisa back seemed too good to be true. Just as the older girl began to panic a snowball smashed into mush against her face with the unmistakable goofy giggle of her Thai girlfriend coming from behind the mailbox on the street corner. Jennie smirked as she picked up some snow from the ground, "you're gonna wish you were still in a coma Manoban!". The redhead squealed as the freezing cold snowball hit her, attempting to run away as Jennie leaped onto her back, playfully biting her younger girlfriend on the neck. "Ahh stop biting me you cannibal!" Lisa giggled as she tried to shake the dark haired girl off her. To anybody observing from distance the two girls seemed like any normal young couple in love, enjoying each others' company and fooling around like they were the only two people on the planet. Their image so far away from the mob boss and prison gang leader that everyone knows them as.

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