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Me and Jughead were at the baby shower and were helping set things up

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Me and Jughead were at the baby shower and were helping set things up. I was wearing a light pink dress that Betty let me borrow (shown above). Jughead put a tray of desserts down on the table and I walked over to him.
" You're sweet to be here. I know this isn't exactly your scene." I said wrapping my arms around his waist.
" What? Organizing a baby shower? It's totally on my bucket list." He said with a sarcastic tone and his signature smirk. He leaned down and kissed me and when we pulled away Mrs Cooper walked in.
" Mom! Polly, look, Mom's here!" Betty said getting Polly's attention
" I'm so glad you're here, and you're safe. You and the baby." Mrs Cooper said causing us all to smile
" Oh, Mom." Polly said going up to her and giving her a hug. The door then swung open and Cheryl walked in with a big dark green stroller.
" We're here! No big deal, it's only the best stroller money can buy." Cheryl said referring to the stroller
" So expensive." Polly said
" All I ask in return is that you make me your baby's godmother." Cheryl says making it awkward for Polly because she already made Betty the godmother. " Kidding!" She said laughing then walked away muttering " So not kidding. Come on, Nana Rose, let's get you a good spot by the food."
" Polly." Mrs Blossom started as she made her way over to her. " Let me begin with an apology. When I first heard about the baby, my initial instinct, to embrace the baby but not you was wrong. I hope you can forgive me." She said placing her hand on Polly's arm.
" Think happy thoughts." Betty whispered to her Mom as she tended up at the sight. Everyone then sat down and Nana Rose went up to Polly.
" This necklace reads the baby's aura. Predicts the sex." She said holding over Polly's hand
" Nana has dementia and gypsy blood." Cheryl said
" Oh!" Nana Rose called out
" What? Is my baby okay?" Polly asked worriedly
" Babies. It's twins. One of each!" Nana Blossom answered
" This is occultism at its most ludicrous. But I'm grateful to be here." Mrs Cooper said
" Oh! Thanks guys!" Polly said with a smile
" Okay, now Mom's." Betty said handing the present to Polly
" It's my nightlight." Polly said pulling out the baby angel shaped nightlight. " When I was a little kid. How did you...Where did you even..." " I saved it." Ms Cooper answered " I know how much you loved it and how it made you feel safe. And I wanted you to be able to pass it down to your own baby one day." Mrs Cooper said
" Open ours next, dear." Mrs Blossom said handing her the present. The door then burst open and Archie walked in looking pissed.
" You were protecting him." He said walking up to me and Jughead. We then moved to the other side of the room so we wouldn't be bothering the baby shower as much and Betty and Veronica followed us. " That's why you didn't tell me."
" Relax." Jughead said
" What happened?" I asked
" Did you know that Jughead's father is a Serpent?" Archie asked angrily
" No" everyone but me said.
" Emily?" Archie said looking at me
" Yeah, I did" I answered
" What?! And you never told us?"
" That's not mine to tell"
" That's why he tried to stop me from going to the bar, so I wouldn't find out." Archie said "After everything my dad has done for you..."
" Archie. I can explain, okay? But not right now." Jughead said
" This is Polly's day, so you two need to check yourselves. I mean it." Veronica said
" Archie" I said
" No, save it." He said then walked out.
" That is a family heirloom." Mrs Blossom said drawling our attention back to the baby shower. Polly just opened her gift from the Blossoms and it was a really old looking ting rocking horse. " Great-grandfather Blossom used to play with it. Isn't it magnificent?"
" Oh, Polly, come stay with us at Thornhill." Cheryl blurred out
" Cheryl's invitation is genuine. Thornhill's gates will always be open to you. The child would want for nothing. You would want for nothing." Mrs Blossom said making Mrs Cooper angry
" Do you think that you can just waltz in here, with a bedbug-infested Trojan Horse, wave a blank check around and steal my daughter?" She asked
" I didn't think you wanted her, else why would she have been exiled like some pariah?" Mrs Blossom asked
" To keep her away from your family."
" Oh And not because you're ashamed? Why is your own daughter not living with you?"
" She's not going to set foot in that twisted, poisonous house of yours." Mrs Cooper said full of rage
" She should be so lucky." Cheryl cut in
" Cheryl, that's not helping." I said to her
" She'd do a lot better there than with you." Mrs Blossom said
" How dare you?" Mrs Cooper said
" Enough!" Polly yelled causing everyone to go silent " Both of you!"
" If you believe one lie..." her mom started but Polly interrupted her
" This is why Jason is dead! Because of this hate. This pointless, stupid fighting." She said
" Honey" Mrs Cooper said placing her hand on Polly's arm
" No, don't touch me." She said quickly pulling away " We were supposed to be together. And you didn't let us have that, neither of you. And you know it cost Jason his life." She finished walking into her room.
" Polly." Mrs Cooper called out after her
" Mom. You need to talk to her." Betty said putting her hand on her arm. After we cleaned Polly down I went to find Jughead in another room.
" Polly's finally asleep." I said walking in "What a mess."
" I should've told them about my dad when I had the chance." Jughead said looking up at me.
" So, why didn't you?" I asked taking a seat next to him
" I was ashamed." He answered looking down at his feet
" Jughead, They're our friends. They won't judge, and if they do then they aren't really your friends." I said
" I know, I just.."
" Just what, Juggy?"
" I just feel like, without them I'm all alone again. I can't lose them, they're all I got" He said sadly.
" Hey" I said putting my hands on his face forcing him to look at me. " I'm here, and I will always be here no matter what. You are never alone, Jug. I don't care about who your dad is. All I care about is who you are." I said with a smile. He smiled back at me and leaned in giving me a soft kiss.
" But Juggy" I said after we pulled apart " we should talk to your dad. He might know something about Jason."
" Yeah, your right" He said
Me and Jughead were at his dads trailer. We walked in and saw Fp on the couch with a beer in his hand. When he saw us come in he got up and tried to tidy up a little bit of the giant mess of beer bottles and other things.
" Jughead, Emily! " He said happily
" Dad" Jug said monotoned
" Hi, Mr. Jones" I said with a small smile
" Um Why don't you guys sit down?" He asked
" This isn't really a social call." Jughead said
" No. I didn't expect it would be after Archie showed up at the bar." Fp said sadly
" We know the Serpents had some kind of drug thing going on with Jason Blossom." Jug said
" What? Where'd you hear that?" He asked
" Jason's girlfriend." He said
" Our friends sister" I said to clear it up a bit
" The kid needed some money to get away. A clean-cut kid like that, no one's gonna suspect him of running, so we helped him, he helped us." He said
" Jeez, Dad. Did you tell the cops that?" Jughead asked
" What do you think?" Mr Jones said in a duh tone
" Well, they know now. Polly told them. So if they haven't been by yet, they will be." Jughead said
" Did you ever talk to Jason?" I asked
" Personally? My guys gave him some product.
When it wasn't delivered, we figured he'd took off with our stash, until Until Jason's body was found at Sweetwater River. Anything else you wanna ask?" He asked
" Did you have anything to do with Jason Blossom's death?" Jughead asked shocking me slightly
" You really think I could do that?" Fp asked sadly and shocked himself
" It's the dark ages, Dad. I don't really know what to think anymore." Jug said
" I'm not a perfect father, Jughead, no getting around that, but I'm no killer." Fp said sitting back down on his chair. And with that we walked out the door and made our way to my car.
" Do you believe him?" I asked stopping and turning to Jughead
" I do...Do you?" He asked
" I believe you, Jughead." I said holding his face and pulling him in for a kiss. We pulled away and smiled happily then made our way to my car.
" Do you want to come back to my place" I asked once we started driving
" I would love that, but I need to talk to Archie" he said
" That's a good idea Jug" I said. The rest of the ride was silent until we got to Archie's house.
" You gonna be okay?" I asked
" Yeah. Thanks for the ride Emmy" He said
" Of course" I said with a smile. He went to get out of the car but I put my hand on his arm sipping him. " Hey, I love you" I said
" I love you too" He said with a smile and got out of the car. I waited till I saw him go inside the house then drove myself home.

-Hey guys! Another chapter just a day later, go me! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and have an amazing day!

Emily Keller-A Jughead Love Story (Book one)Where stories live. Discover now