Secrets ar just untold Lies

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Chapter 3

Louis’s POV

I sat on the couch cuddling with Haz Liam was doing a twit cam Zayn was out with His new girlfriend what’s-her-name an Niall was in his room

“Guys did you hear that” I looked over at Liam with a confused look

“Hear what?”

“I thought I could hear someone yelling “We all stopped what we were doing an listened carefully

Suddenly we heard glass smashing an Liam quickly closed his computer an ran upstairs me an Harry quickly followed an ran into Niall’s room to see him sitting on the floor squeezing a piece of glass in his hand

“Ni please give me the glass” Liam slowly stretched out his hand and Niall placed the glass in his hand

“Physical pain may hurt and scar but emotional pain is so much worse” Niall whispered staring at the wall

“Guys can I talk to Niall alone” Harry nodded an walked back down the stairs Liam stayed fighting wether to stay or leave

“Li please I need to talk to Ni alone I promise to keep him safe” Liam nodded his head and walked out of the room an into his an Zayn’s

Niall’s POV

Louis smiled at me before closing the door an locking it I watched every movement every step he sat on the bed and I watched as the mattress sunk

“Shall we clean your cut so it doesn’t get infected” Louis pointed to my hand I looked down and stared at the glistening red liquid running down my hand and on to my jeans

“Why it’s not like it will make the pain stop not like it will make the memory disappear there will always be a scar always be a reminder” god I sound like Zayn all deep and mysterious

“Niall please let us help you it may leave a scar you may still have a memory but it will stop more pain from starting”

“Fine there’s some bandages in the bathroom and a face washer just wet it I can do the rest” Louis nodded an stood up walking into the bathroom

“Louis” I asked still looking at the deep cut in my palm

“Yeah Nialler what’s wrong?” Louis came back into my room with everything I asked him to get

“Do you love Harry?” I grabbed the face washer and ran it across the cut wiping away the traces of blood  

“Yes” he simply answered watching me clean the cut

“Does he love you back?”


“Are you dating?”


“Why not?”I asked wrapping my hand up tightly

“Because I can’t trust him we dated for a week and that’s when he slept with Caroline”

“He cheated on you”

“You know what’s funny about it he told me when we first started to date he would never cry over anyone else only me he said no one else deserved his tears yet when Caroline said it was nothing just a fling he cried his eyes out saying no one loved him and he could never love another person”

“Louis I’m sorry but why do you still hold hands with him and cuddle?”

“For the fans and To hide the pain Ni I may laugh and smile all the time but guess what A Smile Hides All the Pain”

“Louis I love Liam” Louis looked at me and smiled

“I already knew you talk in your sleep sometimes don’t worry no one else knows” I nodded an stand up and move over to the bed lying under the covers

“Want to join or just want to watch me sleep” I asked trying to have a little fun for once

“I think I shall join” I watched as Louis feel asleep wishing it was the one I really wanted the one that had caused me this pain I don’t hate him for this pain he has caused I love him for it, it shows how much pain I would go through just for him I slipped out of bed an grabbed my diary sitting in the dark corner of my room

January 15

I Love You I Cut for You I Bleed for You It’s All For You but you don’t know it I sit in the dark watching the world spin around waiting for the ground to crumble before me, watching waiting as the world ends and everyone and everything disappears it all turns black no sounds made no pain caused nothing just darkness. That’s what I believe death is you don’t go to heaven or hell you don’t come back as another life form you die an rot in the ground

“GUYS WAKE UP ME AN DANI HAVE SOME REALLY SPECIAL SERIOIUS AMAZING NEWS” I quickly closed my diary and stood up and jumped on to Louis

“Louis wake up Li has some special serious amazing news” I said shaking his shoulders

“Carry me”

“Ok HARRY LOUIS NEEDS YOUR HELP QUICK” suddenly harry burst into my room looking worried

“What’s wrong” he asked looking between me and Lou

“Nothing can you carry me down stairs Hazza Bear” Louis reached out his hands with his eyes still closed

“And why couldn’t Niall do that” he asked picking up Louis

“I’m injured remember” I held up my hand showing him the blood stained bandage

“Fine “We all walked down stairs to see Zayn's New girlfriend Jasmine, Zayn, Liam and Danielle

“So what’s the special, serious, amazing news?”

“Dani and I are......HAVING A BABY”

Liam smiled an fell into a hug with Louis an Harry I watched Dani she didn’t look happy she looked worried an scared I stood up and walked over to her pulling her out of the room

“You ok Dani you don’t look happy”

“Ni can you keep a secret” not for you I hate you why would I keep the bitch that stole the love of my life secret

“Of course Dani what is it?”

“The....The.....Baby isn’t.....Liam’s”

To Be Continued

Note- OMG I didn’t even see that coming and I wrote it wow hehe ok sorry its short but like total writers block it is so sucky but I am on holidays so more uploads woohoo yeah baby hip thrust time hehe ok next chapter will probs be up tomorrow if you’re lucky an if I wake up so yeah bye :)

Molly xx

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