- Chapter 19 -

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"What news from Mr Routley in Chatham?" Cecilia asked of Thomas Harding one hot day in early July. They sat together in the massive and sprawling gardens surrounding Rosforte, watching Eliza and Betsey floating flowers in a nearby pond.

"The Victory is headed back to European waters. They have chased Villeneuve all over the West Indies; Grenada, Antigua, St. Kitts; but with every word on the whereabouts of the French fleet consistently proving false, Nelson is certain the French are no longer there. She is currently ashore at Gibraltar, but when the Victory in next in English ports Brandon will need to prepare himself; he'll be joining it when it goes back out to sea."

"Do you think...with so much false information, might it be possible there is a messenger working for the French?"

Harding was silent a moment "I suppose that's a possibility, but that's a hard accusation, they'd need definitive proof."

"Celia!" Betsey broke through their conversation. Running over with Eliza close behind. She held a crimson bloom in her hand, which she tucked into her sisters piled curls "You must tell us what you wish for your birthday this week end, Eliza wishes to know!"

"That was not in the least subtle!" cried her friend in good-humored exasperation.

"Oh pish tosh, subtlety rarely begets answers. I already told her you would say you want nothing Celia, for I know how are droll you are, but she would not have it."

"Well she is right Eliza, I want for nothing. My sister knows me well."

"I would not call that droll." Mr Harding commented "I would say that shows an easy character, not requiring constant or abundant maintenance; unlike most who require almost too much maintenance for one to secure their friendship or affection."

"How quick you are to defend Mr Harding. A fair point, but such a character will likewise put very little effort into getting or maintaining relationships; leaving them alone and lonely but for their family, who are forced friends." she poked her sister teasingly.

"Not alone or lonely, for she may have few friends, but those friends will be steadfast and closer to the heart, for her friendship doesn't smother or demand."

"Gracious what censure, I feel that was a blow on my own character!"

"Enough of this talk." Eliza cut in "Poor Cecilia, to be picked apart so before her very face. Let us talk of lighter themes; like how we are to convince Mama and Papa Wheaton to allow Celia to go to London or Bath for the end of the Season, say Saturday next?"

"Oooh! Yes!" Betsey exclaimed

"Oh no let's not!" Cecilia interrupted desperately "It is perfectly acceptable to have my coming out at home with a small party. I'm sure Miss Compton can make it grand enough for you!"

"You are coming out so soon? You won't wait until next year's season, or next?" Mr Harding turned to her in surprise.

"Unfortunately not." was the sighed reply

"Yes! Time is a ticking Mr Harding! Can you imagine how splendid she will be adorned in beautiful, fashionable gowns, surrounded by doting potential suitors!" Betsey's eyes gleamed mischievously and both Cecilia and Mr Harding grew pale at the prospect. "I shall talk to Mama direct. Or, at least the moment she returns from Landyn House."


'Mama' was currently on a leisurely walk with her eldest daughter among the trees of Landyn House's orchard.

"I am glad you've come to stay with me while Benedict is away on business Mama. I get frightfully lonely in this grand house by myself."

"Of course I would come! I don't often get to see my oldest daughter now she's all grown and married!" Mrs Wheaton directed her daughter to the shade. "Come sit, I don't wish you to become fatigued."

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