Chapter 1: Overlapping Doomsday "Updated"

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 Note: So I noticed I had not described my characters looks. Therefore, I went back and added those details. Enjoy!

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"Honey. Wake up." Whispered my mother.

"Mmmmm. What is it Mom?" I responded groggily.

" Honey wake up! Today is your BIRTHDAY! And your first day of high school as a senior." She shouted excitedly.

I sat up and looked at my alarm clock only to be surprised by the time. "Mom! For heaven's sake it's only 5 am. Ugh." I plunked back down on my bed furious to be woken at this forsaken time.

"I-I-I'm sorry." I could hear the hurt in my mothers voice and immediately sat back up. My mind had cleared up and I realized I'd been far too harsh. She was only excited and happy for me to be seventeen today, also I was entering my last year of high school. My mother, Sophia Lexington, raised me single handedly after my father passed away in a car accident when I was nine. She ran a successful catering business and with the help of my dad's life insurance, was able to provide all the necessities I could possibly need.

"It's fine mom I just didn't get enough sleep last night, all I could think about was school." This of course was a lie and if she paid more attention she would have heard the false enthusiasm.

"Well, hurry and dress up so that you can have breakfast. Also, I have a surprise for you." She announced, trying to conceal her excitement, however, I could tell she couldn't contain it any longer. So I decided to probe.

"What is it?" I asked.

"No, no it wouldn't be a surprised if I told would it? I'll meet you down stairs. Don't take too long." With that said, she escaped out of my room before I could further interogate her.

I'm definitely not a morning person. If possible I'd go back to sleep and wake up past noon.  But I couldn't because school had begun and I didn't want to disappoint my mother. Thus I vacated my bed and headed for the shower.


I took a quick thirty-minute shower. I decided to wear black slim jeans and a Rolling Stones t-shirt along with my ash brown hair tied up in a ponytail. I walked over to my mirror in order to check my reflection. Staring back at me was a young slim female with green eyes and plump lips. Something seemed to be missing so I decided to apply some eyeliner and lip-gloss. This seemed to add a tad bit more life to my complexion. Once I was done I grabbed my backpack headed down stairs.

"Mom!" I shouted once I came down to the pathway between the living room and the entertainment room.

"In the kitchen!" She replied back.

I walked over to her only to see her crest fallen face as I entered the room. "What is it?" I asked annoyed knowing what her answer would be.

"Honey, why are you dressed like this? It's your first day of school. What happened to the blue cotton dress and the cowboy boots I got you?" She sounded disappointed.

"Mom. Please. Not today. I promise I'll wear them tomorrow. It's my birthday so just let me do what I want." I asked in a pleading tone.

"Fine, but promise you'll wear the outfit I got you tomorrow." She pouted.

"Promise." I responded grudgingly.

"Thank you sweetie, now come eat breakfast, I made blueberry pancakes, your favorite." She returned to her cheerful mood.

This brought a smile on my face. Blueberry pancakes are my favorite and I can never get enough of them. I took a seat on a stool at the kitchen counter and waited to be served. My mom brought over a plate of pancakes, maple syrup and a glass of milk. I began to eat when I noticed a small petite present box on the counter. I grabbed the box and looked up at my mom. "Is this for me?" I asked with curiosity evident in my being.

"Mmhmm. Open it." She insisted.

I tore the box open and heard a jingle. I was flabbergasted. "No way. Are these car keys? Did you get me a car?" I asked excitedly. I went over to my mom, gave her a huge hug and ran to the entrance of our house. At the entrance I slipped on my boots, zipped them up and headed outside to the driveway.

There I saw my car. I pressed the button to unlock the car. I've had my driver's license for half a year now. I did not expect to get a brand new car so soon. I ran over opened the drivers seat and entered it shutting the door behind me. Immediately caught a whiff of new car smell. My mom had gotten me a decent ride. It was a white Honda Civic. I didn't care about the model. All I cared about was getting the damn car. I was in a complete trance when I heard a knock on my window. It was my mom. I stepped out of the car so she could talk to me.

"Do you like it?" She asked with a smirk on her face.

"Do I like it?" I responded rhetorically. " No." I responded seriously. She looked confused and surprised by my response. Her crestfallen face made me smile a little so I decided to respond truthfully.

"I LOVE IT! Thank you...Thank you...Thank you! Mom you're amazing. I couldn't ask for more." I said sincerely.

"Honey you deserve it. Since you'll be leaving to college soon...I...I..." My mom's voice became a pitch higher and I could see the tears in her eyes about to fall.

I hugged my mom to reassure her. "Mom, c'mon you know I'll always be your daughter." This placed a smile on her face.

"Look at me, here I am crying on your birthday. Okay, enough of that. It's getting late and you young lady should be heading off to school. Here's your bag. Will you be back early today?" I looked at the time and noticed it was now 7:20 am.

'Shoot' I thought to myself. I planned to meet Claire and Sam, my two best friends, at school before it began. Claire is a petite pixie faced blond with gorgeous blue eyes and luscious lips. She was really kind and quirky. Sam is tall with an athletic build; she has long black hair, high cheekbones and honey colored eyes. Sam was nicely tanned and loved the outdoors. She is loud and funny. They are the only two people I hang out with and I love them dearly.

"I plan to meet up with Clair and Sam after school. Then I'll come home so we can celebrate together." I informed her. My mom handed me my backpack and a hooded sweater then hugged me farewell.

"I'll pick up a chocolate cake so we can celebrate on my way back from work. See you tonight, honey!" She shouted as I walked away to my car.

"Bye, mom."  I replied. Then I stepped into my car as I drove of realization set in and I began to dread the drive to school. Sure I was ecstatic about receiving a new car, but that did not negate my bitter sentiments of having  to return back to school.

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