Chapter 2: Welcome to Hell "Updated"

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Finding a parking space at the school's four lots was nearly impossible. I ended up finding a spot in the east back lot near the football stadium. Unfortunately, it was also the area where the moronic jocks and irritatingly preppy cheerleaders spent their time before class. The majority of the student body did everything they possibly could to avoid this lot.

This was because the cheerleaders tended to pass judgment and criticism on every female student that passed by, while the jocks made it their life goal to bother every other male student.

I wouldn't say I was popular nor would I call myself a loner. If I wanted to make more friends I would've found ways to approach others. However, I'm just not interested. I'm more than satisfied with the friends (or more like two friends) I have.

This made my mother the bane of my existence. She'd love for me to dress up and have many girl friends; like other teenage girls that stay out during weekends and parties instead of staying home. But I find dealing with people to be a major hassle.

Most mothers would be proud to have a daughter that likes to stay home and read or watch movies with her friends and have the luxury to keep an eye on them. Unfortunately, this was the polar opposite with my mother. She wanted me to socialize, attend events and get a boyfriend. YES, a BOYFRIEND! Sure she sounds like the best mother in the world and yes she has absolute faith in me, therefore,  I have no curfew; however,  that isn't what I want. What I want, is to not be bothered for staying home.

I know she's only worried over my social life, but the woman is annoyingly persistent. I'm even tempted to pay some people to play as fake friends and introduce them to her just to get her off my back. Pathetic? Sure, but it may be worth it if it gets me some space to do what I want without constantly being advised.

The problem is that I have a difficult time trusting people. Let's be realistic, most teenagers want to be accepted by their peers-- as if their life depended on it. They take great measures to "fit-in" no matter the consequences or damage they may cause and in turn receive. Teenagers do not wish to be rejected by their friends. Honestly, who does? Rejection stings and it leaves people feeling like crap. So, who can blame them? I definitely don't.

"Okay, here goes nothing." I whispered aloud to myself. More often than not I tend to talk to myself. It has become a very troublesome habit. As I exited my car with my bag I suddenly heard my cell phone's ring tone.  I pulled out my phone and notice Claire's (my best friend's) name on the caller ID. I answered. "Hello?"

"Where are you?" She asked annoyed.

"I'm at the back lot." I responded.

"What? Why? Doesn't your mom normally drop you off at the front of the school? I mean like what the heck are you doing at the place you normally avoid, like the plague, in the morning?" she asked exasperated.

"Parking spaces were full everywhere else. It was pretty much unavoidable." I explained.

"What do you mean parking was unavoidable? Sam and I have been waiting for your arrival at the front of Millerton! Did you forget?" Claire sounded pretty much annoyed by my tone of indifference. Sam, short for Samantha, was my other best friend. Us three have been close since kindergarten.

"Forget what?" I was pretty much confused now.

"It's you damn birthday and we wanted to meet with you so that you could receive our gifts! Seriously, Amelia can you sound any less excited? By the way don't tell me you got a car or something? Why would you torture yourself by hanging out in the gauntlet a.k.a. the back lot?" She joked.

A smile surfaced up my face as she mentioned the car. "As a matter of fact, I did get an amazing car for my birthday." I flaunted.

"No way! Seriously?" Claire sounded pretty much shocked into outer space. I have this weird belief that life exists somewhere else in the universe, I mean, we do so why can't it right]t? Thus, I always relate things to that idea, like aliens and what not.

"No joke Claire. I'm seriously not jerkin' your chain." I spoke with as mush sincerity I could muster.

"Wait ten, no, five minutes. Sam and I will meet you out back. Bye." Claire had hung up before I could protest. After all I planned to drive them out later after school so they didn't have to bother with it now. Oh well, there is no stopping Claire when she's excited or determined.

I decided to sit on the hood of my car and wait for them while listening to some music. It wouldn't be long before they arrived but Millerton High was a pretty large school so they would have to cover quite some distance to get from the front of the school to the back lot.

Meanwhile, I'd begun to observe the passing students. I'd noticed a couple of freshmen that looked terrified. I felt sorry for them. After all high school seemed like hell most of the time and it was their first day in unexplored territory. It's only human nature to fear the unknown. I'd begun to reminisce about my first day at Millerton High; unfortunately, a loud and irritating cackle drew me away from recollecting past memories. I definitely recognized that hideous laugh and I turned in the direction it was coming from, glaring daggers at the culprit.


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