Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I awoke that Saturday morning with a little too much energy, like "I just had 6 cups of coffee with a shot of espresso in each" energy. I just had to survive till the movie at 7:00 to see Isaac again. Well that failed. About a hour after I was up and dressed I invited Isaac over to my house. He arrived in his black Porsche about 5 minutes after I called him. When he pulled himself out of the car I couldn't help but get excited and happy. My heart also started beating faster. I don't know what makes him so special, but every time I'm with him all my barriers start to crack, and I'm worried they may break, but I won't leave him.

"Good morning Max, couldn't wait till the movie huh!"

"Well it gets pretty boring in my house" I replied.

"Well Max you should know," (in his best impression of Kesha's voice) "The party don't start till I walk in."

At that we both laughed and walked into my house. I introduced Isaac to my mom which luckily she didn't make any comments about how he was cute/hot. Then I took him upstairs to my room and the first words to come out of his mouth were

"Your room looks so depressing!"

It was pretty true we only moved in two weeks ago, and there were still boxes piled high in my room. All I had out so far was my big queen sized bed with black sheets, a large, dark brown desk, and my clothes in my closet. I didn't have any paint on my walls either. The walls were still the same depressing white as they were when we moved in. Isaac looked directly at me and said "We need to go to Build It and get some paint, your room looks like a room in an insane asylum with these white walls."

I replied "I agree, lets go."

With that I grabbed my leather jacket and told my mom we were going to get paint for my room. My mom is pretty carefree about my desicions after the incident in the past. I shut the door behind me as Isaac went to hold the car door open for me as usual. We both got into the car and he started driving.

"So Max what do you want to do with you room?"

Isaac's question pondered on me for about a full five minutes. What did I want to do with my room? Hmm.

"I got it I want to paint my walls like a galaxy."

"Like your shoes" he asked.

"Yep and then I will hang up some of my canvases with my paintings on them on the walls."

"Brilliant idea Max, so you're a painter then."

I responded with "I like to consider myself a painter. I'm good with art stuff."

"Then why aren't you in art class?" He asked.

I responded with "Well, first off have you seen the art teacher she dresses like she picked up her clothes from the four year old section. Second she seems like she bought her degree online she doesn't know shit about art. Third she would start talking bullshit like all the other art teachers do like how they want everyone's art should look similar and how you should use certain techniques. Really I think art is supposed to be a unique way of expressingn yourself."

"Well you sure do have a strong opinion on art class!"

We then arrived at Build It. Isaac came and opened the car door for me and we both walked into Build It. When we got there we headed straight for the paint section. Once we got there a man there that had a creepy chipmunk smile helped me find the black I wanted for my galaxy. By the time we left Build It we had two cans of black paint, paint pans, paint brushes, and various colors of paint for the galaxy like white, blue, pink, purple, green, and yellow. We then went over to the craft store next door where I picked up some canvases for painting and some more canvas paint. By the time we got done Isaac's car was full of paint and canvases. By then it was about lunch time so we drove to Sonic and ordered burgers and shakes. We sat in his car drinking our strawberry shakes because we already finished our burgers inside. While we were drinking our shakes we listened to some Coldplay and belted out the lyrics to Viva la Vida and Paridise. I don't know what it was about Isaac, but I was falling for him and I think he was starting to fall for me too.

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