First Day of School

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¿Chapter 3?

Monday, December 1st, 2008.

I woke up startled by the honking, I was about to start ranting about my inconsiderate neighbors but then I realize I was the inconsiderate neighbor... SHIT! I totally overslept, what time is it? 6:50? Lianna said she was picking me up at 6:50! That is Lianna! Luckily, I had my clothes picked out already. I quickly slid them on then brushed my teeth and my hair. I stopped to take on last look in the mirror, my blonde hair was just under my breasts and was almost always naturally strait. Today it was a little wavy but it made for a nice change. I was wearing my favorite pair of jeans, a lighter denim color with my black Muse shirt. I had saved up all my money to see them live last year. They were one of my favorite bands. I never wore a lot of makeup, but today I decided to put on just a tad of mascara. Mascara always made my blue eyes pop, I liked the look on me. I ran out of my house without eating and apologized to Lianna.
"I'm so sorry I overslept. You should of just left without me." I told her.
"No don't worry about it, school doesn't start until 7:30 it's 7:00 now. Besides, why would I leave you we're friends, right?" Lianna said.
"Right." I agreed.
We pulled out of my driveway and headed in the direction of school.
"Wow this is a really nice car, Lianna." I said.
"I know right! I got it for my sixteenth birthday back in October!" Lianna squealed with excitement!
"Lucky!" I said in disbelief. Lianna had so much.
We small talked the rest of the car ride.
We arrived at school in only 10 minutes. We still had 20 minutes before school started to Lianna decided to introduce me to one of her friends
"Bailey, this is Troye. Troye this is Bailey."
I was pulled into Troye's embrace. "Hello Bailey, I'm Lianna's gay best friend!" Troye chuckled.
His accent was slightly different than mine. I couldn't quite figure out what it was.
"Where are you from?" I asked Troye.
"Oh noticed my accent didn't you? It's not as strong as before but I'm from Australia. I moved here two years ago. When I met Lianna, she helped me fit in, you're in good hands. Trust me you'll love Reading."
Troye seemed truly genuine about liking it here. Maybe I would fit it.
"Well that's first period bell, Bailey are you okay walking there by yourself?" Lianna asked me.
I didn't want to trouble her more than I already had even though I was hopelessly lost.
I nod my head
"Yes, I'm fine thanks, Lianna. See you in 3rd."
To my surprise it wasn't that hard to find my classroom. I walked in just before the second bell rung. I introduced myself to my history teacher, Mr. Kline. He was a middle aged man with a protruding stomach (he honestly looked pregnant) and had greying hair that needed to be cut.
"Everyone this is Bailey she's new here so I'd like for you to make her feel welcome." Mr. Kline pointed to the last row seats, "You can have a seat next to Howell." The boy smirked at me as I sat down next to him. Howell? I'm guessing that was his last name? If not his parents must be hippie's. He had dark brown hair that was cut into a fringe, he was tan, had chocolate colored eyes, wore mostly black, he also had a dimple the size of a crater on his cheek, and even from sitting down you could tell he was tall. Definitely over 6 feet.
"Psst. I like your Muse shirt. Bailey, right?" Howell said just above a whisper.
"Thanks and yes I'm Bailey." I replied.
"I'm D-" Howell got cut off.
"Mr. Howell talking in my class? No no no.. You are not in primary anymore! See me in detention." Mr. Kline gritted his teeth.
He continued to teach his lesson about The Queen.
I whispered to Howell,"I'm sorry I didn't mean for you-"
"Ms. Pasciano? Would you like to join Mr. Howell in detention?" Mr. Kline almost yelled.
I looked down embarrassed, "No sir."
The rest of my day was mostly uneventful. Howell was only in my 1st period so far and Lianna we figured out was in my 3rd & 5th period. Troye was also in my 3rd and 5th period. During lunch I sat with Lianna and Troye.
"Anything interesting happen today?" Lianna questioned.
"Well, Mr. Kline threatened to give me detention.." I said.
They both laughed. Troye started, "He does that to everyone! He's been extra grumpy since his wife cheated on him. Ever since then he's been on his major man period." I chuckled at this.
"Wait why did he threaten you?" Lianna asked.
I replied, "I was talking to this kid next to me. His name was.. Howell?" Trying to be subtle. Troye and Lianna gasped.
"The Howell that wears all black Howell?" Lianna questioned.
"He was wearing a lot of black." I said
"No, Bailey listen. People like Dan... You absolutely cannot make friends with him. He's bad news." Lianna stated. So that's what his name was. Dan.
"What do you mean? What's wrong with him?" I asked.
"Bailey, he's obviously totally emo and you know what emo's do?" I shook my head no, she did a cutting motion to her wrist.
"Emo's cut, listen to weird music, they wear all black which is so ugly, and they-" she stopped for a moment "He's just a freak okay! Don't get associated with them or I can't be associated with you." Lianna spat out.
"Why would I want to be friends with someone like him?" I lied. Dan had really seemed nice and he had good taste in music. I guess I'd have to watch him from afar.

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