Aj pov:

Still kinda lost in my thoughts about the amazing concert last night I started at the banner listing up Starbuck's current selection of drinks not even really paying attention to what i was looking at.

Suddenly i was ripped out of my dream like state by a high pitched shriek coming from right beside and what i saw trying to figure out what caused the weird noise had me burst out laughing.

On the floor was my friend Meen just sitting there with a pout on her face glaring up at some guy looking like a little kid that just dropped their icecream until a kind of familiar deep raspy voice spoke up cause her eyes to widen in absolute shock.

"ouh shit sorry i'm such a clumsy idiot i didn't mean to knock you over...here let me help you up"

"it's fine don't worry" she chuckles grabbing his hand to let him pull her up rubbing the back of her thighs afterwards probably because the fall hurt more than she wants to admit

"are you sure you're ok?" he asked looking at her with concerned eyes

"yea all good" she laughed trying to play it cool but i knew she was freaking out on the inside knowing damn well who was standing there only a couple of inches away

"let me at least pay for your and your friends drink to make up to you" he suggested awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck clearly still feeling like an idiot for what had just happened

"oh no you really don't have to" she replied

"i know but i want to" he smiled shyly "i'm luke btw and the idiot laughing over there is my pal calum"

"i'm Meen and that's Aj" she introduced us a slight blush covering her cheeks

By the mention of my name mine and Calums eyes met and i swear i forgot how to breathe for a split second still staying calm on the outside tho

After we all ordered our drinks, luke and calum also grabbing a few muffins probably to take them back to the tourbus, i mentally prepared myself to part ways with the boys and never see them again but that's not what happened

As if they've known each other for years Meen and Luke walked over to one of the little tables sitting down next to each other leaving me and Calum to follow behind

"those two seem to hit it up pretty well" he chuckled

"seems like it" i agreed sitting down next to Calum

After just making some simple smalltalk for a while he suddenly interrupted himself mid conversation "omg now i know why you look so familiar i saw you at yesterday's show you were standing front row only like 3 meters away from me weren't you"

"uhm yea that might have been me" i admitted feeling my cheeks heat up in embarrassment ready to be treated like some 10 year old fangirl now

"sooooo how'd you like it?" he asked smiling brightly

"uhm what" i asked dumbfounded

"the show"

"ouh it was freaking amazing you guys were incredible i love the new songs" i answered grinning

"aww i'm glad you liked it" he replied genuine smile on his face

ok why the fuck was he acting so normal even tho he now knows i'm a fan...

"you know" he said rubbing the back of his neck "you looked pretty damn adorable yesterday" he mumbled and if it would have been only a tad bit louder in here i wouldn't even have heard it

wait wait wait was this really happening did he just...

"oh shit i'm so awkward when it comes to girls i should just be quiet" he rambled

"aww thanks" i chooed interruption him and causing a light barely noticeable blush to cover his cheesk

after that little awkward but freaking adorable moment we just went on with our conversation me completely forgetting that i was actually talking to the Calum Hood that i had a major crush on and not just some really sweet guy i just met

But like it always is something had to ruin that perfect moment and this time it was luke's phone ringing with some seemingly stressed out bodyguard on the other end demanding for the boys to get back on the tourbus this very second

"I'm so sorry but we really gotta go before we get into even more trouble" Calum apologized hugging me quickly before rushing out of the starbucks luke right behind him and just like that they were gone.

and if it wouldn't have been for Meen sitting there staring out the glass door the boys just ran out of i probably would have thought it was all just my head.

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