aj pov:

After just sitting in the starbucks for a few minutes trying to process what had just happened we realized we now really had to hurry and grab ourselves some food for the 8 hour bus ride home that was lying ahead of us.

"shit meen we need to hurry or we'll not get to our bus on time" i gasped "let's split up...i'll grab us some chinese noodles and you'll get sushi then we meet up at the main entrance got it?"

"ok" she nodded getting up and rushing out of the starbucks just like the boys had before, me following right after

When I arrived at the main entrance with two boxes of noodles in my hands a few minutes later meen was still no where to be seen even tho i had to wait in line for the noodles quite a bit and we seriously were runnig out of time.

just as i was about to call her she came rushing around the corner nearly tripping over her own feet and falling over for the second time today, in her hands not only the sushi but also a brown bag from starbucks.

"starbucks seriously girl?" i asked her while we speed walked to the bus stop

"yea sorry but i've been craving those muffins ever since luke bought some earlier on" she laughed "also i really need something sweet rn to not freak out completely over the fact that Luke Hemmings not only talked to me but asked me for my phone number"

Damn exchanging phone numbers... me and Calum didn't even get to do that but if Meen and Luke start texting maybe i can get his number that way...or would he not want that

Before i could overthink this whole situation even more my friend's voice brought me back to reality

"cmon Aj we need to get on the bus" she demanded tugging on my sleeve as i didn't even realize we were now standing in front of the bus

After we sat down and stuffed our bags under the seats, luckily being able to sit next to each other and not having to sit next some strangers, Meen immediately opened the brown starbucks paper bag holding it out to me so i could choose one of the 4 muffins she bought

"seriously Meen 4 muffins" i laughed pulling out a blueberry one

"yea i couldn't decide" she shrugged "also we have a hella long ride ahead of us so you'll probably be thanking me later"

pulling out one of the baked goods for herself she added "sooo you and calum seemed to get along pretty good" wiggling her eyebrows before stuffing a piece of muffin in her mouth

"uhmmm yea he was really sweet and we just made some light small talk and even tho he knew i'm a fan cause he claimed to have seen me at the concert last night he treated me completely normal" i said smiling lightly at the memory

"wait wait wait he saw you last night? ok actually it kinda makes sense cause you were literally standing right in front of him...also from what i noticed he was totally flirting with you" she said sounding kinda hyped

"yea sure he was" i laughed totally not believing her

"ok don't believe me but i just know he was...like why wouldn't he just look at you girl you're gorgeous" she insisted and before i could even start protesting again she raised her finger a warning look on her face and added "don't even try"

So i just rolled my eyes taking a bite of my own muffin humming slightly at the heavily taste of blueberries and the sugary vanilla dough

Just like that our conversation died and we both just sat there listening to music with our headphones eating a muffin each till Meen suddenly stared hitting my arm rapidly nearly shoving her phone in my face

"omg omg omg look"

I had to take the phone from her to even see what she was trying to show me as she was just too excited and when i saw who had texted her i fully understood why she was acting like that

Just as i was reading the message the blonde Aussie guy had sent her the phone buzzed a second time showing a second message from luke this time it was him asking for my number to give it to Calum and now it was me who gasped.

Calum freaking Hood wanted my number so we could stay in touch this can't be real...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2018 ⏰

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