"I promise I'll keep the nightmares away."

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Ok so this one isn't my favorite but I hope you all still enjoy it 😅

It has been a long, hard week. Bruce worked relentlessly in the lab, barely getting any sleep. You would beg him to come out of his lab and come to bed but he was too focused on his work.
One night you came into the lab and sat on a stool next to him, hugging his arm and nuzzling your face on his shoulder.

"Please come to bed Bruce, you really need some rest. Plus the bed is so cold and lonely without you. Pleaseeee?"

You looked up at him with puppy dog eyes and a pouty lip, causing him to chuckle lightly. He wrapped an arm around your waist and kissed your forehead lightly. "Alright I'll come to bed." You hugged him tightly and grabbed his hand, pulling him behind you as you went your shared room. Bruce and you both got undressed, him only wearing shorts and you wearing shorts and one of his tshirts. Both of you snuggled up together in bed before falling asleep.

~Time Skip~

You were sound asleep while Bruce was tossing and turning from a nightmare. He sat up quickly, breathing heavily as tears began to fall down his cheeks. He looked over to the clock, it was 2:00 am. He got out of the bed and went out to sit on the patio, only bringing a blanket with him. You began to grow restless in your sleep, Bruce's comforting warmth had left you. You woke up to find that Bruce was missing from his side of the bed. You sighed, you figured he went back to the lab, until you noticed the door to the patio was cracked open.
You went out to see Bruce watching the city streets below him.

"Hey Bruce," you said softly as rubbed your eye letting out a sleepy yawn, "What's wrong? Why are you sitting out here?" He sighed and squeezed his eyes tightly before replying, "I had a nightmare..."
You sat down next to him rubbing his arm as you held him.

"What happened? Do you wanna talk about it..?"
"He killed you...the other guy...I-I killed you..."

He looked at you as tears started to flood down his cheeks. You quickly wiped them away, pulling him into a tight hug as you shushed, trying to calm him.
"Everything is ok Bruce, it was just a nightmare you won't hurt me."
"But what if I can't control the other guy and I kill you (y/n)..?" He turned his head away, sighing as he pulled the blanket into himself.

?" He turned his head away, sighing as he pulled the blanket into himself

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His breathing was shaky as he tried to hold back more tears from falling.
"Hey Bruce look at me." You cupped his cheek with one hand to make him look at you, while the other hand rested on his arm. Your thumb lightly stroked the side of his face as he leaned into your touch.

"You're not gonna hurt me Bruce and neither will the other guy. I love you and I trust you. Everything will be ok, if I ever get hurt it's not your fault ok? I love you."

He rest his forehead on yours and looked you in the eyes with so much love, as he kissed you softly. "I love you so much (y/n). I can't tell you how thankful I am to have you in my life." You kissed him again with more passion this time.

"Come on, lets go back to bed. I promise I'll keep the nightmares away." He smiled and kissed your forehead as you both headed back to bed.

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