Ch. 4 - Professor Craig

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I woke up with my head on Tweek's chest and his arm still around me. I carefully sat up and reached over to the nightstand to grab my vape, bringing it to my mouth. I took a deep inhale and blew the vapor into his face, which roused him a bit. He slowly opened his eyes and smiled.

"You made me coffee?" he asked softly.

I grinned and held the vape up for him to see. "It's just the vape, but I'll make you some if you want."

He slowly sat up and rested his head on my shoulder. "You know how?"

"My dad has me make it for him all the time. You have a coffee maker in the kitchen?"

He nodded and nuzzled his head into me.

"You're gonna have to let me get up," I grinned.

"Just a little longer," he said, nuzzling me again. "There's no hurry."

I kissed his forehead and rested my head on his. I never thought I'd see the day that he would care about something more than coffee, but here we were. He was putting off his morning brew just to cuddle with me. Little things like that meant the world to me, whether he realized it or not.

We laid like that for a while before I finally moved to get up. "I'll go make you that coffee now, Tweek. Then we can figure out what we want to do today."

He put his arm around me and squeezed before scooting over to let me get up. I slowly stood up from the bed and looked at him. I couldn't get over how cute he was. Whatever I had to do to be with him, it would all be worth it.

I made my way downstairs to the kitchen and located the coffee maker. It was similar to the one at my house, so I was able to figure it out pretty easily. I didn't drink the stuff much myself; only when Tweek offered it. But I still loved the smell because it reminded me of him.

Once the coffee was ready, I found an empty mug and filled it up. I carefully carried it back upstairs and entered the bedroom. Tweek sat up in bed and accepted the mug. Taking slow sips of the dark liquid, I returned to my place next to him.

"So what did you want to do today?" I asked.

He shrugged. "I'm cool with whatever. I figured you'd want to watch Red Racer again, but I think we watched them all yesterday."

"Yeah, but that was only the first couple seasons," I grinned. "There's still plenty more to go, but we can do that another time. I had something different in mind for today."

"Hmm?" he asked, bringing the coffee mug to his lips.

"Promise not to make fun of me."

"I'll try not to," he smiled.

"I was thinking you could help me study. You know, to do better in school and all that."

His face lit up. "Never thought I'd hear you say that."

I returned the smile. "So what do you say?"

"Of course I'll help! We have that history test on Monday, so we should probably work on that for starters."

"Sounds good. You have your book and notes and everything?"

He nodded excitedly. "Yup! Just l-let me finish the coffee first and we'll get to work!"

He chugged the rest of his coffee and hopped out of bed to retrieve the learning materials. He brought them back and plopped down next to me. Wasting no time, he began quizzing me.

"Who delivered the Gettysburg Address?"

"Abraham Lincoln."

"During which war did The Battle of Jutland occur?"

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