Crying is the next step to succeeding.
I know you won't believe this but the author of this actually has cried many times in her life.
The author wants you to know that you aren't alone in this world.
Out of the number of human beings there are in the world.You are not alone.Out of the number of different planets, ecosystems,species, and celestial bodies.You are not alone.
No matter how many times you tell yourself that you are.YOU ARE NOT ALONE.If you think you don't matter.Guess what,There are 1,000,000 particles of matter that float around on and around earth.Earth is matter.You are matter.I know that probably didn't make sense but.Anything that is made up of matter,is able to be able to matter.Of you think your the baseball and life is the pitcher.Hit the pitcher in the face and keep on going.What I mean by this is:If life keeps throwing you around,Punch it in the face and say "Hell no,I'm going throw you around now!"
No matter what you do,don't let other people beat you into the dirt inside rise up and take a stand.
As I said before,YOU ARE NOT ALONE.The author has been shoved around alot in her life.The author has also been kicked when she was crying.
The author stood up and told that same person who kicked her in back while she was crying to go away.Of course they didn't.But,the author made that person afraid to be 3 inches near her.The author of this quote book isn't mean but she can get angry.Im going to stop typing now.