Chapter 5

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Emily's POV

I paused outside my door. I couldn't sleep in there. Not knowing that all the other girls were probably hanging out together. I needed to get away from all of this. There had to be somewhere to go. The Palace was huge, I would probably get lost if I tried to go anywhere. The third floor, I thought. "The third floor is strictly off limits." Ginger had said. Ginger had taken over Silvia's job because Silvia could barely walk anymore. I trudged up the steps to the third floor. There were so many doors! I found a bench outside one of the doors and fell asleep. "What in the world are you doing up here?" A voice said. I prayed that it wasn't Queen America. It was Tari. I started to curtsy but she waved me off. "Sorry, I just didn't want to sleep in my room." She laughed. "I thought you were trying to get a peek at Brandon!" "No," I sighed, "I am not going to be princess, no one back home believes in me. None of the girls are nice to me. I just want to go home." Tari's face was sad. "I'll be your friend!" She offered. I smiled. At least my friend was part of the Royal family. Just then the door across from my bench opened and out came Prince Brandon. I gave him a curtsy. He looked between the two of us. "See why I thought you were trying to meet him." She whispered. "I'll meet you in the women's room!" She said and walked off. Now I was alone with prince Brandon. He takes a seat next to me. I feel my heart beat faster. 'Why?! Stop it!' I tell myself. "Tell me Lady Emily," he said my name without even looking at my tag! "Why did you come to the third floor?" I'm about to answer, but swallow. Does Brandon want me to be totally honest? Should I try to impress him? Why is this so confusing? "I was trying to get away from the other girls." Brandon seems to consider my answer. "I see, is your room not suitable? You can change the decor you know!" I giggle. "No, it's not the decor. I can't stand being close to all of those...girls!" "You seem a lot like Tari," Brandon says. "She was so worried that all of them would be..." he hushes his voice "stuck up." "They are. Except for maybe Samantha, but..." Brandon laughed. "You know I should send you home right?" I nod. "But, since my mom and dad met in probably an equally as awkward way as we are I will give you one more chance." Another chance! "Wait, can I move my room?" "I'll see what I can do!" Brandon got up and so did I. I gave him a curtsy and headed to my room.

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