Chapter 6

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Emily's POV

My maids were worried sick when I showed up. "Where were you?" Kaylee asked. She was my head maid. Then there was Jade and Fey. Fey was fiddling with a dress that was a soft yellow. "I was so worried!" Fey said. Kaylee was undoing the straps on my dress. Jade brought the yellow day dress for me. The dress hugged my hips and had sleeves that hung off my shoulder. "Wow!" Is all I could get out."You like it?" Jade asked. "I love it!Thank you" I said. "Now go," Kaylee said finishing my make-up. "No use missing breakfast!" I walk down to the Dining Hall. I'm the last one there. I turn to the Royal Family and give a deep curtsy. I look at Tari, and she rolls her eyes. I straighten up and head to the only open spot on the table. My spot. "Great, Tanya and Grace." I mutter under my breath. Breakfast was delicious! After breakfast we were directed into the women's room for some free time. Tari was sitting on a couch, waving me over. "Hi!" I say happy that she still wants to be friends. "He likes you!" She squeals. The other girls look our way. Ginger is giving both of us a pointed look. There was a knock at the door. "Can I come in?" Brandon. It was Brandon's voice. "Yes dear, you can." Queen America said.

Brandon stepped into the Women's Room. All of the Selected immediately straightened up and fixed their dresses. I tuck a stray hair behind my ear and sit a little straighter. Tari tries to hide hide her smile. She is laughing at me. I give her a look and she starts giggling harder. Brandon pauses in the middle of the room. I notice that he is fidgeting with the cuff on his left sleeve. "Very sorry to interrupt, but I am here to meet with each of you individually." Queen America picks up where Brandon stopped. "You will have 30 minutes and after your 30 minutes are up, you will go to the library for a lesson with Ginger." "First, I would like to meet with Delia." Brandon says. Delia stands and spreads her smug look over us all. She takes Brandon's arm and they walk out. I feel the tension release from the room. Tari bursts out laughing! "He was so awkward!" I whisper. "Well, you can't blame him. He has never even been out with a girl." Tari whispers back. I shrug, "I've never been out with a boy." Tari get serious all of a sudden. "I can't believe that I made a friend all ready! I was planning on hiding in my room while all of you are here." She smiles at me. "I would love to have you here all of the time!" "Thank you Tari! But you shouldn't get too used to me being here, I am not cut out for this." I say. Tears threaten me. I never cry. "But he LIKES you!" Tari hisses at me. I give her a hug, "I don't have any siblings, but you feel like a sister already!" "I have 2 sisters, but I would love to have you be my third!" Tari looks at the clock and sighs, "I have to go, see you at dinner!" Then I am left alone with 33 other girls. Delia doesn't come back, and I'm not called until the very end. Brandon didn't come back for anyone but Delia, but he came for me. "Lady Emily!" Brandon says. I blush. "Shall we go?" He asks. I take his arm and we walk out of the Womens Room. "I was starting to think you forgot about me." I said. Luckily I kept the tremor out of my voice. He laughed. "Emily, how could I forget about you. The girl who I found on the bench outside my room." I giggled. "Yeah, I bet that would be pretty unforgettable." We stopped at a desk in the library. He pulls a chair out for me and I sit. My nerves are running really high. "So..." he says. I look at him and blush. "How are you coming on that room deal?" I ask. "Actually, I have an idea on where to put you." He says. "Do you?" "Yes I do! But first I need to know more about you." Like what?" I ask.

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