Chapter 17

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Emily's POV

His room is different than what I expected. It's not beautifully decorated or ornate by any stretch. His four poster bed sits in the middle of the room, two regular nightstands on either side of the bed overflowing with papers. He has a gun rack, but it's empty. "Why would he have a gun rack?" I think to myself. As if Brandon can read my mind, he says "The gun rack isn't mine, my dad, he loves shooting. He never moved this old one out I guess..."

Brandon starts walking over to the armchairs in front of the fire. Absent-minded, I follow. He rubs the back of his neck. "Emily..." he starts.

I cut him off. "Brandon, I'm so sorry!'s..." Brandon silences me by holding up his had. I have to suppress the tears.

"Emily, it's my turn to talk. I know that the other girls aren't...happy that you and I spend so much time together, but it's the selection. You know that as well as anyone. I told you I was trying to figure out who wrote that note, and I did. Well, I thought I did." He sighs. "I thought it was Penny, but she was so sweet and...I just didn't think she could have done it. I was going to talk to both of you about it, but then you blew up at her. I can't very well send her home after that, word would get around that I'm just protecting you."

That last sentence is like a punch to the gut. The truth. He likes me enough to keep me around; but, not enough to send the girl who threatened me home. I stand up and wipe the heels of my hands on my eyes. "Okay. I guess I should just be going." I turn to leave. My hand is on the door know when I feel Brandon grab my arm. "Brandon! Let me go!" I try to tug my arm free, but he holds on. He turns me around to face him.

"Emily, just listen to me!" He says holding both of my wrists. "Emily, I like you! A LOT! But I can't end this thing, because I've barely spent any time with anyone else. I..." he leans in and kisses me. I kiss back, not sure what I want, or if I'm mad. My mind just freezes. A gasp. That's what I hear before my world shatters.

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