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Jenissi woke up alone. The girl wasn't in the room, yet the wall was closed. How... He stood, walking out if the room, as it had opened immediately for him.

He found the others sitting around, talking to one another. Yet Amadea wasn't there. No one seemed to be aware of his worried look.

"Where is she?"

As the words left his mouth, she walked in from the hall to Hojoon's room. Her hair was damp and she was dressed just like them. Since she was about the same height as the man with glasses, he guessed they were his clothes.

"Here I am." She grumbled, sitting down next to Nakta. "Fix this for me please."

He hesitantly fumbled his hands against her shirt, undoing the folds. His hands went to his lap when he was done, and she smiled.

"Byungjoo!" Seogoong ran in, panting and looking flustered. "They're here! I was able to get away."

Everyone stood, and Jenissi immediately went to the girls side. "We have to leave." He whispered, pulling her away. She nodded, running with him up the stairs and out into the sun.

There was a sickening laughter that rang through the air and his blood froze. Shit... Grabbing her hand, he dragged her off to the left, while the others went to the right.

"Jenissi," She was panting, but she was able to keep up. "What is happening?"

He didn't look back, just kept running. "They must have decided to come after you. We need to stay away from Yano and Gohn. They are like me, and are very fast."

Jenissi could sense someone and he turned to the side, pulling her. "A-Tom is right behind us, keep going!"

"Who the hell is that?" She screamed, squeezing his hand. She was getting tired, he could tell.

No other thoughts ran into his mind when he suddenly stopped. His arms wrapped around her as he pulled her up, his arm under her legs. Then, he was running again.

It was much difficult, but he knew A-Tom wasn't fast enough. She wrapped her arms around his neck and shielded her face against his shoulder.

The closeness was making his excited, and he held her tighter, picking up his pace.

The laughter happened again and she flinched, and he had to force himself from haulting. Yet, it seemed someone had taken advantage of their hesitant movements.

"Jenissi." Kidoh stepped out in front, grinning widely. "Just stop."

He did so, setting Amadea down and holding her close behind him, his hands on her hips.

"So this is the girl." A-Tom chuckled from behind. She pressed closer to him, wrapping her arms around his waist. "Oh, Jenissi, what sort of lies have you told her that she would hide away from me?"

He spun both of them around. "A-Tom, shut it. Everything I said was true, although I haven't said much. You've just managed to scare her all on your own."

"Jenissi, what do we do?" She whispered in his ear.

Kidoh stepped forward, holding his hand out again. "We aren't playing anymore. Hand her over."

"I can't do that." He stepped back, gripping a hold on her. "I will kill you if you lay a hand on her." His voice turned into a growl.

The two laughed, what he said seeming to be funny. But then, Seogoong appeared, tackling Kidoh to the ground. The two tumbled and he got in several punches.

Nakta had A-Tom's face into the ground. "Get her out of here, go!"

Jenissi nodded and grabbed her hand again, showing her an apologetic look. She nodded and he took off, making sure that she was able to keep up.

"P-Goon must have told Hansol that you're staying. I don't know what he has in mind, but believe me, Hansol can't get to you."

She huffed, tugging on his arm. "Why, exactly? What will happen to me?"

He didn't want to think about it, but nothing but horrible thoughts popped into his head. Shuddering, he tried to focus on what was happening now.

"Answer me, I want to know!"

He stopped and turned, grabbing her shoulders. "Awful things, I don't know. I just have to get you away."

Amadea's eyes watered and she gripped the sleeves of his jacket. "But where? Obviously not in that place before if we ran. Where do we go now?"

He took in his surroundings, but nothing was at all familiar. He pulled her against his chest as his eyes gazed around.

Crazed laughter filled his ears and he turned. "Taeyang~" The voice sang and ended in more laughter.

Something hit his head, hard. He fell to the ground, his hold of the girl loosened and she screamed. The laughter got louder and madder as a foot was smashed into his side.

She was calling out his name, over and over in panic, trying to reach him. His vision faded as she was suddenly pulled into someones arms.

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