My Secret

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Words Counted: 574 words

Genre: AU


Tears were streaming down my face, but through my blurry vision, I see my brother punching the walls creating a giant dent. We were only two when we lost our mom. No child should have to go through that pain, especially at such a young age.

I'm now 17 years old, living with my single father and my twin brother. I'm socially awkward and tend to build up my walls. Why? I don't want anyone to know about my past and have them pity me. I don't need anyone, I have my family and that's all I need.

[ one foggy morning in San Francisco ]

I opened my eyes only to find the blank ceiling. "Great another dreadful day at school, surrounded by fakes." I get up and do what I have to do, and drive off to school.

I open the old creaky wooden doors and quickly run to homeroom afraid I'll be late. I sit in the same seat I've sat in since freshman year. Looking around, you can easily tell I'm the odd one out. Sitting alone with her phone stuck to her nose. It's always the same routine, wakeup, go to school and come home and listen to music. Sometimes I'll hangout with my two "friends", Sasha and Keisha, but we're not super close so it's a rare occasion.

[ Another foggy day in San Francisco ]

I open my eyes, staring at the same ceiling I wake up to everyday. Do my morning routine and take off to school. Open the same creaky doors I've been entering for the past 4 years. I go to homeroom sit in the same exact seat, staring at my phone like I always do. Suddenly, a strange kid invites himself to sit next to me. No one ever sits in that seat. Out of curiosity and shock I quickly blurted out :

"Why are you sitting there?"

"Because I can, and you looked kind of lonely."

"Fuck off."

"Woah, woah, woah, easy tiger. I just wanted to talk."

"About what? And who are you anyway?"

"Wow been in your homeroom for 4 years, and you don't even know my name?"

"Yeah. I honestly don't care, so forget I asked."

I turn back to my phone, but a hand grabs it before I can even react.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you." He said with a hint of anger.

"Okay then, say what you want and give me my phone back."

"The name's Taehyung and I know about your secret, sweetheart." He arrogantly smirked.

"Shut up. You don't know anything." I attempted to grab my phone back as the bell rang for first period.

"You'll get this back later, meet me at the bleachers after school. See you there." He winked and disappeared into the crowd.

I went through my classes feeling a sense of panic, since I didn't have my phone with me. What does this "Taehyung" person want anyway? And does he really know about my secret or was he just messing with me? I went to all my classes, but I simply couldn't pay attention with all these reoccurring questions running through my mind.


Author's Note : Hey guys! Officially welcoming you to Bound by Omertà! This fan fiction will have alternate endings, so you get to choose who you end up with! Hope you guys enjoy!

PS : There will be no set schedule for updates.

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