The Mafia

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Words Counted: 1,062 words

Genre: AU & fluff


We finally reached the last set of doors. They swing open and I jump back a little. It was an extravagant room followed by an elegant chandelier. But who are these people sitting on the couches?

I grew a bit frightened and hid behind Tae.

He pushed me forward "It's okay. These people are just like me, and we're going to help you."

"Come here." A demanding voice ordered.

Tae put his hand on my lower back, leading me to the owner of this voice.

"What do we have here?" The man took the cigarette out of his mouth.

As he was talking I closely examined him. He had dark brown hair, and eyes that can pierce through anyone, just by merely looking at them.

I step back a little, feeling slightly intimidated.

"She's the one." Tae responded.

"What's your name?"

"Y/n." I mumbled under my breath.

"Tae, are you sure you got the right girl?"

"She's the one boss."

Boss?? What is that supposed to mean? Does Tae work for this man?

"I'm Jimin."

"Nice to meet you sir."

"No need for all the formalities. We're the same age after all."

"What?? How are you a boss then? What are you a boss of??" Before I can shut my uncontrollable mouth I realized I must've seemed like a total maniac.

He turned to Tae and they both started laughing, along with everyone else in the room.

"Umm.. What's so funny."

"You're definitely Bonnie's daughter." Jimin finally spits out.

"Uh.. yes I am, and you're going to help me find out what happened to her, but before that happens would you be so kind and answer my question??" I said in an annoyed tone.

"Oh yes. I'm the boss of this mafia, The Iron Dragons."

"M- M- M-. WHATTTT????????"


"YES. I KNOW THAT. But what do you guys have to do with my mother's death??"

"Well, she was one of us, so we kind of have a lot to do with it."

"My mom? Bonnie Palenero??"

"Yes. Now, before we get started, why don't you meet the legacies."

"Umm.. alright then.." I was way too afraid to disobey him so I followed him.

"This is Rachel, she's the underboss."

"Hi y/n. A pleasure to meet you." She said.

She was wearing a lavish red dress, paired with shiny black heels. She had dark brown hair that glistened in the sunlight. She was breathtaking.

"Hi Rachel. The pleasure is all mine." I kindly responded.

"This is Tara, the consigliere." Jimin introduces.

"Nice to meet you Tara."

She was wearing a little black dress and suede boots. She didn't seem all that nice, but I must admit, she was stunning.

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