Who are you?

130 4 1

Words counted: 729 words

Genre: AU and humor



"Thank you Taehyung. Your advice put everything into perspective. I know what I have to do."

"And what could that be?"

"To join the mafia."


"Are you positive?" Tae said firmly.

"Didn't you want me to do this in the first place?"

"Yes. I'm encouraging you to join, but once you do, you can't back out. So, I just want you to be 100% sure."

"Well, I am. I no longer want to be in the dark about my mother's death."

"Okay. Then I will tell the boss tomorrow." Tae gets up preparing to leave.

"I'll walk you out."

"No need just get some rest y/n. I know it's been a long day for you."

I guess he noticed how tired I look, but could you blame me? A completely unforeseen situation had fallen into my lap out of the blue.

"Alright. I'll see you tomorrow."

I proceeded to lay down, and look at my ceiling. I slowly drift off to sleep as I replay my chaotic day in my mind.

[ 6:30 a.m. ]

*Ring Ring*

UGHHHHH.. what the heck did I turn on an alarm on accident?? As I struggled to open my eyes, I reached for my phone and turned off that agitating ringtone.

*Ring Ring*

Ok.. why the hell is it ringing AGAIN?? I opened my eyes and reached for my phone prepared to press stop. Though to my surprise, it wasn't an alarm, but a phone call.. from an unknown number? I quickly sat up and accepted the call.

"H-Hello?" I said hesitantly.

"Morning, y/n, you wanna hang out?"

"W-Who are you?"

"Your best friend who else?" The voice said in a mischievous yet creepy tone.

"Well, I don't have a best friend! So stop calling me! I'm warning you my dad's a.. a cop!"

"Y/ n... I know your dad's a lawyer.."

At this point I was terrified, so I immediately hung up. I quickly pulled my knees into my chest and grabbed all my blankets, as if it's somehow going to protect me. I contemplated what to do next. What if they know where I live??

All of a sudden I hear a noise...

*Ding Dong*

I slowly tiptoed down the stairs.

*Ding Dong. Ding Dong.*

Shit. Shit. Is this it? Am I going to get kidnapped??


Oh no, they're getting angry... that's it, they're going to bust down our door and take me!

I made it into the living room and grabbed the nearest weapon.. a broom. I looked into the peephole, but it was pitch black... It's now or never... I opened the door just slightly so they would open the rest, and I'd be ready to attack. I secured my grip on the broom and prepared myself...

"Hey, so-"

I began to vigorously swing my broom at this creep. "GET OUT! LEAVE ME ALONE! GET OUTTT!!"

"HEY. WAIT! STOP WHAT ARE YOU DOING???" Wait this voice...

I dropped my broom in awe. "TAE????? YOU SCARED ME TO DEATH!!!"



"Ahaha... My bad... I took your number yesterday when I was luring you to the bleachers and.. forgot to put mine in your phone." He said with a nervous smile.

"Wait, I have a passcode. How'd you get into my phone?? Are you a hacker??"

"Y/n, I don't need to be a hacker to get into someone's phone with the passcode, 4321."

I began to blush in embarrassment. "It's easy to remember okay??"

"Whatever you say." He giggled. "So you want to hang out?"

"First of all it's like 6:00 in the morning, and second of all we have school!"

As I finished my sentence, Tae rested his elbow on my shoulder. "Y/n, you're joining a mafia and you're afraid of skipping school? Maybe this just isn't for you. I mean, I haven't told the boss yet."

"No. No. I'll skip." I said defensively. "It's not like anyone's going to realize I'm gone anyway." I mumbled under my breath.

"What'd you say?"

"Nothing. So where are we going?"

The warmest smile formed across his face, "On an unforgettable adventure."


A/N: Hello! I come bearing an important question. Do you guys prefer longer (1000-1500 words) or shorter (500-1000 words) chapters? Please leave a comment, so I know to work accordingly. Thanks!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2018 ⏰

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