Love You

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Coach's POV

No more coaching for a while now. Our team lost the first game of playoffs so we were eliminated. I do regret kicking

Natasha and Tyla off the team. We could've won without them, but our team spirit wasn't as confident as it usually

is with Natasha and Tyla on the team. I better go and apologize. Hopefully they agree to get back on the team.

I drove to their house and Stephen answered the door. Stephen? Really?

Stephen: Oh. Hey coach, what are you doing here?

Coach: I'm here to talk to Tyla and Natasha. What are YOU doing here?

Stephen: Actually, just hanging out with Natasha.

Coach: So, you guys are thing now? With playoffs over you think you could have a relationship with her? I don't think so


Stephen: Coach. I'm not coming back, and Natasha and Tyla aren't either. We're done with St.Mary's. There really

is no reason to be here.

Coach: Of course they'll come back. Why won't you?

Natasha: Hey babe, whose at the door?

Stephen: Coach. But he was just leaving.

Coach: Can I please just talk to them? Where's Tyla?

Tyla: I'm right here.

We all walked to their basketball court and they sat on the bench. I have a feeling now that they won't come back. Great.

Coach: Look, I know I kicked you both off, and for the stupidest reasons, but I really do want you guys back on the team.

You guys had great spirit to the team. You both gave off the confidence to the rest of the team which always helps our

team get the win. It's just about positive mentality, like you always say Tyla. Please. Play for St.Mary's.

Natasha: Sorry coach. But I already enrolled into St.Anthony's, both Tyla and I.

Coach: ST.ANTHONY's! That's our enemy, and you're transferring over there? Are you serious? If it's about your

relationship with Stephen, I'll let it happen, but plea---

Tyla: Coach. This has nothing to do with their relationship. If we're going to be playing basketball again, then it's going

to be with St.Anthony's. Done. Final.

Coach: Fine. Fine. Do what you guys want. See ya'll around.

I walked out the house and went straight into my car. I was pissed. I thought they would really come back. I guess not.

Tyla's POV

For the next few weeks, Chris (Wavy) and I would always hang out. We would meet at each other's house but mostly

at mine. It's been so much fun being around him. I love him so much. Anyways, tomorrow is my birthday! I'm turning

18. I know, really old. Chris came over and we had a pre-birthday party with just Chris, Natasha, and Stephen. We

hung out by our pool and ate pizza, then we played a little basketball. I played against Chris, and Natasha played

against Stephen. They were so cute though. Stephen would always carry her and give her little kisses and I would always

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