Prologue; Yoru no Okami

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~Author's Note~

{~ I have been meaning to write this for a good year in a half and I just always felt that I had never put enough thought into the story each time I tried starting it. I figured that if I didn't start it soon that I never would. ^^ That's just something I tend to do... Well, here goes nothing! I hope you enjoy, I do NOT own Naruto, the characters, jutsu's, settings, nothing, not a damn thing but my own characters (Its a shame really *anime cries* aside from my own :3) Now to the story!

~Eien Ni, tsuneni, Yoru no Okami ~}

Lightning danced across the coal black sky, enlightening the land for a split second before descending back to its place of origin. Thunder rumbled as the rain poured down, gallons by gallons onto the forest floor dampening it immediately and once more, the land was showered in a sea of shadows. A young Anbu agent stood in the middle of a small clearing, his hair soaked and patted down from the rain, his eyes narrowed in a menacing glare as he took in his surroundings. His breath came in short and quick gasps from his constant leaping. A navy blue mask covered the bottom half of his face, his Konoha forehead protector slanted over his left eye while his other looked to the right, studying the path that lead toward an untouched field. A flick of his hand and all his senses were focused in that one area, in search for evidence of some sort of being.

A dreadful, ear splitting scream came from the said direction, exactly what he had been looking for. His eyes widened then focused yet again as his body turned and he bolted towards the slowly fading sound, enforcing the soles of his feet with chakra as he ran branch by branch towards his target. One chakra presence, now three. One had to be the rogue Mist nin he had been in search for. Kishimoto Kage, he had been terrorizing Konoha for some time now. Attacking Anbu, kidnapping squads all while trying to reach the Hokage. The man had to go, and it was Kakashi's duty to take him out. Hopefully one of the three was Kishimoto.

Another scream, echoed through the forest, the sound bouncing off the trees making it harder to decipher which direction it had come from. He stopped, focusing for a moment, his eye closed as he sensed out now two chakra presences to his left. Kakashi kicked off, towards the continuing screams for help eventually reaching the large field. Where had the third chakra source gone, where are the two he just felt? Something wasn't right, and the silver haired Anbu knew it. A thick fog had made its way across the field, The rain had entirely stopped as he cautiously walked forward, the shuffling of grass a few feet in front of him revealing that there was still someone there. Who ever it was though, must not have noticed his presence, either way he crouched down ready to counter any surprise attack thrown at him and suppressed his chakra, swiftly, he quietly moving forward. Kakashi froze at the sight before him, a tall black protruding figure standing a ways to his right. The figure didn't move, didn’t make a sound, just stood there as if it had to concept of what was going on. The silver haired nin shifted his foot slightly back to make an attack and the figure disappeared in the blink of an eye. Straightening up slightly the young Anbu agent kept aware of his surroundings his mind bewildered by the act. What was going on, he had never seen anyone just blink out like that. Sure disappearing in a puff of smoke was normal to him, having someone disappear like an image was not, unless... there was no way this was a gen-jutsu, could it? Kakashi continued looking about until noticing the figure standing once again to his right, facing him, as he pulled out a kunai. "Who are you?" He spoke calm venom spewing in his words, his eye narrowing as he got back into his attack position. A low, menacing chuckle erupted from the shadow. Almost mistaking it as a growl, Kakashi took a step back, the grip on his kunai tightening. Several more shadow figures came up from the fog, surrounding him. 'What is this?' His eye scanned each figure carefully, there was no difference in shape, or size, this had to be a trick. The high ranked nin kept his ground, the other figures not making a move. A muffled scream was heard to his left, a ways away yet, there was only one chakra presence. The silver haired Anbu's eyes darted in that direction and the shadow figures all stood no more than a foot away from him. 'When did they move?!' His eyes widened and he made a move for it, slashing at one of them, the blade went straight through. His onyx eye widened again and then relaxed as he slowly reached his hand out to grab at its chest only for it to be engulfed by the black of the figure. Immediately he reeled back jumping up and over the figure only to be surrounded once more. The being that now stood behind him, the one he had just jumped, slowly turned towards him. Not completely forgetting its presence Kakashi turned to face it, reaching behind him and grabbing the hilt of his katana. His eyes narrowed and focused on the form. In one swift motion the nin had pulled the sword from its sheathe and launched himself at his strangely passive enemy. The sword went straight threw, again. It had only stopped due to Kakashi's lack of motion and the shadow's hand holding the base of the blade.'What!? How...? But, I couldn't even...?!OK, I can't start to panic, not now, there has to be a way out of this... I don't even know what this is! gen-jutsu, nin-jutsu, is it even a jutsu!' His thoughts were interrupted as the shadow began slowly pulling Kakashi into its being, only the silver haired nin's head sticking out of its chest. Kakashi struggled at realization as to what was happening, he couldn't move. His head thrashed in panic at his many attempts of escape. It was no use, he couldn't move... he was trapped.

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