11.) Sick Games

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The atmosphere around us started to dissolve, the beautiful trees melted, walls surrounding me and before I knew it, I was back to my hell.  I was in the same room where I killed my master, and standing at the same spot where my parents died. I glared at Liam, a bit shaken up at first. I thought he sent me back to the celestial world.
"Remember this place?" He waved his arms around, pointing out every detail of the room. He made his way to one specific location, the cabinet, and held out (your choice of wine). He shook it and snapped the top open, pouring it into two cups. "We used to sneak back here and get drunk." He chuckled.
"Yeah, and then Master was all like 'Who drank my wine' with his grumpy old voice." I mimicked the exact tone of the master, eyeing Liam carefully.
"Yeah, he was a dick." Liam chuckled, and slided the wine towards my direction. "Drink?"
I stopped the glass with my finger and pushed it back at him "I stopped drinking along time ago."
Liam blinked and shrugged his shoulders. "More for me." He chucked down both glasses and wiped his lips with his sleeves.
"Why are you here Liam? We aren't exactly friends." I crossed my arms, looking at him and observing every gesture. I can't be too careful. I'm talking to the same guy who killed hundreds of people because he was given the wrong type of coffee.
He set down his glass. "Come, follow me." He said, making his way towards the door and gesturing me to come forth. I followed him, keeping my distance. In the same time, I looked at my surroundings. He managed to grip every detail of the house so vividly, his illusion magic was indeed brillant. He had perfect control.

He opened two large wooden doors, to reveal a starry night and the moon staring down at us. We were in the balcony, where we shared our first kiss. "I miss this place." He said, looking at me with his smirk. "It was one of my favorite moments."
"How can I forget?" I smiled gently, stepping forwards to him. "It was our first kiss." I reached for his face, stroking it and observing his features closely. He changed. His face was more shaped, and his eyes that was light as the ocean were darker, and he gotten taller, and more muscular than I last remembered. He was indeed, eye catching.
"Did this bring back some spark." He whispered, watching me intensively.
"Perhaps." I mumbled, inching my body closer to him. It felt like time stopped, and we both found ourselves leaning into each other. Except, I stopped before our lips could touch. "Perhaps not." I stabbed him in the stomach with my dagger, forcing the dagger deeper. His eyes widen, as I caught him in surprise. He tried to move but I held him firmly. "You can't possibly think a spark was happening between us right? After what happened that day." I twisted the dagger as he groaned.
He laughed, in pain. "Darn, I guess I was betting on you forgetting."
"How can I forget Liam?" My lips quivered, remembering what happened.

As we both were in each other arms, it felt like time stopped, like a love movie. But in every love movie, something tragic happens.
"Liam!" A loud voice walked in on us, ruining our perfect moment. Liam, shocked, pulled back, practically jumping off me.
Master, the one person we didnt want walking in, was standing over us with anger. I fixed my clothes and stood up, dusting myself off. "Master let me explain-"
"She forced herself on me." Liam cut me off, fixing himself. "Master I swear to you, I came here with the most respect and when she tried to kiss me, I refused and made it perfectly clear our position." He paused, and looked back at me. "And she, she pulled me down with her and kissed me." I looked at him in utter disbelief. "If there was something I did, that led you to believe that we could be together, Im sorry." He directed at me, as if it was my fault.

"Y/N." I jumped when master said my name. "I need you to come with me." He said.

"But Master-"

"I said come with me!" He shouted in the top of his lungs in utter anger. Everything, all that lie Liam said, master believed. Of course it came from master's most loyal and favorite spirit.  Master grabbed hold of my arm roughly and tugged me.
"Liam please." I cried. "Tell him the truth." Liam looked at me, as if what will happen to me didn't matter.
"See ya Y/N."

"You have no idea what master did to me that day." I glared at him, my eyes flashing dark red.

"You saved my ass thats for sure." Liam blurted out, as I moved the dagger more. "Ow ow ow, it couldn't be that bad...he always had a soft spot for you."

"When he wasn't a angry mess." I said.  "After you left me, to save your skin, he dragged me into a room. A dark room and locked me inside. I spent weeks, hungry, hallucinating, the magic inside that room made me see my worst fear in a million different versions. And you know what that was?"

"Chucky, that little doll." He cracked a joke.

"My parents dying." I said. "I watched my parents die, day after day, to the point where I, with my own hands, just to end the torture, killed them. The illusion. Then my master let me go." I tried to remain my cool but it was slowly controlling my judgement. I was blinded by past anger that all I wanted to do was kill Liam, no matter the cost. "Tell me what you want Liam before I shove this up your-"

"Before you explain vividly what your about to do with that dagger, which I have a few guesses, you can't kill me." He said, grabbing my wrist and drove the dagger deeper into him. "It might hurt like hell, but I cannot be killed." He flashed me a smile, blood dripping down his chin.

"But you can be tortured." I challenged him.

He laughed. "This could've been all avoided if we had our sweet moment." He stroked my cheek, starting to disappear in front of me.

"No!" I yelled at I reached to grab him but grabbed air instead. I cursed under my breath, watching my surrounding change. The balcony I was standing on disappeared and I found myself standing on damp grass, in the middle of no where. Nothing but trees surrounding me. I was not in the village, meaning this was another of Liam's sick illusions.
I took a closer look and noticed a trail of fresh blood. "Liam." I thought. He must be trying to escape, pretty careless of him. Confident, I followed the trail of blood deeper into the woods. I stopped when I saw figures of bodies on the ground, my parents. My eyes widen and I felt all my stomach contents trying to escape. I covered my mouth, fighting the urge to vomit. It was a bloodbath. The damp grass was stained red everywhere. "Why Y/N?" My mother's voiced echoed. "Why didn't you save us?" She said, her motionless body twitched.
"Mom." I backed up, tripping over another body. My eyes widen as I backed away. "Dad?"
"You let us die." He said, yanking my leg as I screamed in pain, a knife digging into my gut.
"You dont deserve to live." My mom said, demonically, cracking her body.
"Damnit Liam!" I yelled, yanking the knife off me and shaking my dad off. What can I say? Liam's illusions were sick.
I held my stomach, as I cursed under my breath. The wound wasn't healing and hurt like crap. My body was practically now human, weak and slowly dying.
"How about you change into your celestial form?" Liam's voiced echoed.
"Shut up." I yelled out. I was not stupid, if I changed into my celestial form, I was practically handing myself to the celestial authorities. I was not gonna give them the enjoyment.
"Y/N Sweetie!" I turned back to see my mom coming towards me, looking for me.
I sprinted, running as fast as I could from her. I heard her right behind me, definitedly following the trail of blood created by me. "No no no." My breath got heavier, and the pain was killing me. As I sprinted, I saw a figure in the distance.
I only got a brief look, just a brief look was enough to know who it was. I ran into the figure's arms. "Loke."
A/N: I know, another update! Surprise! This chapter was a bit longer than my past ones and I apologize for the lack of Loke. Ik it seems like in the past 2 chapters, Loke wasn't in it (It pains me just as it pains you) but I will make it up to you guys in the next update!
Which is coming soon XD

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