New girl slays

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I had just came from the airport. Tired out of my mind and ready to dose off. That is when my sister rosa decides to annoy me. To describe my sister is really easy since we are like besties, I've done everything with her. She's a 5''9 girl i know not so tall. Has long strait black hair, and grey stormy eyes. Me? Well I wasn't what you would describe amazing. First i was tall. Like a 6'1 tall. I had long light brown hair and green eyes. I was a 15 year old girl, and next week was my birthday. Anyone would be exited for their birthday but I wasn't. How would you feel if your mother's death was the reason you transferred from what you could call home. It happened 2 months ago. Yet no one got over it so we decided for a fresh start. I was new to england. I used to live in Sydney. Well lets go back to reality shall we.
"Uhhh rosa get off of me"
"nope dear sis we are going shopping " now this is the part were you would see me launch out of bed to get ready .....but no. I hate shopping. Especially when i would rather be home kicking my brother's ass in fifa or on his Xbox. Well I guess you realized we are one of the rich families.
"I'm not going anywhere i wanna sleep" " you've been in bed since yesterday!" No i hav- oh shit i have. And i got school tomorrow. Hell I wasn't ready for this.
"there better be some food in the kitchen when i get up or you're facing my morning anger"
"aye aye now get UP"
the next thing I'm on the floor rubbing my butt i see her head pop infront of me with a grin and i want to punch her in the face.
"oh and by the way, the neighbors are coming over in five minutes so we'll be saying hello before we leave"
🙄 this is literally my face right now. I take a shower walking into my walk in closet to find something to wear. I end up chosing my black addidas leggings and a purple addidas hoodie. My favorite colors. Of course to go with todays brand i wear my black stan smith. Putting my iphone X in my pocket i go downstairs to face my sister dad brothers and our neighbors. I smile politely until i see a curly haid boy. Green eyes also and i was like. 'Really brah, really' so now there is a guy that has half my features. And i thought i was unique. Grabbing my wallet and keys, I mention to rosa to follow me that was until
" Mary wait" dad called.
i spun around " yeah?"
"This is Liz, her husband Robert and her kids, Jacob and Jackson "
jacob looked like rosas age black wavy hair and brown hard eyes built body too like his brother. I nod wanting to go to starbucks. I headed outside to see my new baby. My black matt ATV. God i love it. I hopped on ,rosa going to her range rover. Since she is going to uni she will have a complete car. Just like my eldest brothen Jake. He was 23, rosa was 19, James was my other brother and he was 17, and i was the youngest. 15. We went to the mall rosa leading the way. After a full 5 hour shopping ( not including the starbucks that we went to twice since i loved it). I was now in my room, blasting music from my speakers and packing my clothes. I took me like 2 hours of twisting and turning until I finally fell asleep.
The next thing i was doing was turning my allarm clock off and groaning. First day of school. I wasn't nervous or anything. My only goal was to make it to the schools soccer team. Yes i was a soccer fan. I walked into the hot shower and when i was done i still had 15 minutes to get to school. WHAT. I ran into my closet, pulled out black denims and a dark red hoodie ( note my obsession with hoodies) and went downstairs. Since james still had 2 years of highschool he was in my school. Yay. I took an apple and said bye to my dad and siblings before running to my ATV. 5 more minutes. Oh wait not 5. I was still used to my old school. I still had 15 minutes. I took a moment to breath feeling my blood boil. Yes i get mad easily but what you should know is that I don't calm down pretty fast. I climbed my ATV putting my helmet on and driving. I felt the wind make my hair fly behind me and that made me relax. This is actually nice. I made it to school feeling calmer and found a place to park. I turned off the engine, taking my helmet off and then i realized a bunch of guys ahead. I think i saw jackson between them but I'm not sure. I smirked at their awed faces probably because of my ATV. Showing them my smirk i entered the school double doors my hair flying behind me. God this is gonna be one hell of a year.

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