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Mary's pov
We were playing fifa on Jake's Xbox.
I was beating their asses until I heard the doorbell.

I went upstairs to find the girls with bags and pizza boxes.

"happy birthdayyyyy maryyyyyy!" said Naya.

Each girl wished me happy birthday and Rosa went to get James from his friends house.

"okay let's get u dressed up." said lily.

"why! We're staying home right?"

"ur not staying home on you birthday Mary." I spun around and saw Jake.

"uhh fine. Come on girls."

We went to my room and I showered and got dressed in black Jean shorts and a white tank top and tied a dark green and black flanel around my waist. I put on my black Vanns and went back downstairs.

"let's go to the mall!" offered Nancy.

"fine by me." I said.


Rides were seperated like this :Naya Nancy and lily went with Rosa while Jack Liam Brandon and Luke went in Brandon's car.
Jake and James were following in Jake's car, and I was on my atv.

We reached the mall and many heads turned our way.

Since Jack gave me that pendant he's been acting nicely.

I got off my Atv and immediately jack put his arm around my shoulder.

It was actually a nice feeling.

We entered the mall and like usual girls sent Jack and the guys flirtatious smiles and twirled their hair. But no attention was given to them.

After eating at Starbucks, we went to the cinema to watch the new jumanji.

For some reason me and Jack were seated away from our friends.

In the middle of the movie jack shuffled and held my hand. I looked up at him to see him already looking at me. His eyes went to my lips and mine did the same.

His free hand went to my chin lifting it so my face was closer to his.

Without hesitation he leaned in, I was about to close my eyes when a popcorn hit me straight in the face. I looked at the attacker and saw it was a little child.

Aw Mann.

Is it bad I actually wanted him to kiss me.

Jack sighed frustrated obviously. And we continued watching the movie.

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