The Legend of Bipper [EDITED]

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The great legends allways start with small stories, don't they? Our great legend of the supreme despair starts in a small barely known town, Gravity Falls, Oregon.

On a bright sunny day, a pair of twins arrived at Gravity Falls on a bus arriving in a half hazard, wacky line. One was a bubbly confident girl who had infinite amount of love to share with everyone around her, and a clever yet timidly shy young man who learned to never give up and stay determined no matter what.

During their stay throughout the summer the boy, Dipper, found an old yet fascinating journal filled with studies of frightening creatures that supposedly lived in the paranormal attracting forest surrounding the petit town. He shared her findings with his sister, Mabel, and so the two siblings have decided to solve the mysteries guarded by the eerie woods and find the author of the journal.

They solved lots of many and many secrets together whilst having a lot of fun and bonding further with each other.Until one day they found a strange laptop, which might have given them answers what they wished to find. But in order to finally figure out the truth they needed a password to start up the old gadget.

Unfortunately, Mabel got distracted whit the organising and directing of a sock opera, so Dipper had to search for the pasword alone.

Dipper was mumbling in an exhausted tone, reflecting how little sleep he really got during the past few days while hitting the laptop's keys in a very aggressive way. He was tired of having to do everything by himself since Mabel got distracted one way or another. A small thought of begging crossed his mind for a small break, but he quickly shook his head sideways, full concentration on that  cursed laptop again. However suddenly a message appeared on the screen written in sharp characters as if they were taken straight out of a calculator. Followed by a robotic, non emotive voice.

"Too many failed entries,initate data erase in five minutes"

"No... No, no, NO! I'm gonna loose everything? I only have one more try?!" Dipper screamed in frustration as he began to lose hope. He frantically tried new passwords he came up with in a hurry as a countdown started up on the small portable computer.

But in a sudden, everything turned grey scale, leaving only him and the laptop making sounds and moving. After he looked around in horror an all to familiar and annoying triangle appeared. Bill Cipher.

"Well, well, well... Someone's looking desperate."He sang out in an echoey voice as he circled around the preteen in the air.

"Thought I told you to leave me alone." Dipper said snarling, following the demon suspiciously with his eyes.
"I can help you kid." The tempting offer made the mortal's eyes sharpened as it seemed to good to be true." You just need to hear out my demands." Dipper looked nervously at the laptop's count down and as seemingly his only option was Bill now he lost some of his stubbornness in his act.

"What crazy thing do you wanna do anyway? To eat my soul? To rip out my teeth? Are you gonna replace my eyes with baby heads or something?"
"Yeesh kis relax!" He defensively brought up his arms his single eye breaking eye contact with Dipper for a moment. "All I want is a puppet!"
"A puppet? What are you playing at?" He asked not believing a single word the demon said.
"Every one loves puppets! And it looks to me you got a surplus." He answered the query thrown at him fact like as he highlighted out the puppet stand and boxes containing the same stacked around it with blue.
"I don't know man... Mabel worked really hard on these..."

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