The Child of the Snow

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The internal suffering of two people was not enough.The cursed continued to live on in other worlds too.No one could stop it. Even if someone would try,they would fail. The next piece of this story is covered by ice cold snow,and freaze.It was a drastical change for the world,but for a crown,it was just another name to corrupt.

Once upon a time,there was a great hero named Finn,and his alley named Jake.Finn was a human child,and Jake was a dog. Once,Finn had been commissioned ,to hunt down a villian named,Lich.The Lich wanted to make a wish.A horrible wish indeed.A wish what can change the faith of the whole universe.Finn,and Jake,however, followed him .Once the wish of the Lich has been made, Finn instantly wished for the Lich to never exist.This wish made Finn travel to a universe, where the Lich never existed. However, not everything went that smoothly in that world too. In that place, Finn had a loving family,who were terrorized, by a group named, 'The Destiny Gang'. His family asked Finn to sell their donkey. But Finn loved his donkey so much that instead of selling it, he stole a crown from an old lady, to sell. Despite the fact that the lady warned him that the crown is dangerous, he didn't listened. At the market, he tried to sell it, but things got only worse. The whole city was set on fire by the Destiny Gang, including his house, while his family was still in it. And while he suffered so much, his friend, Jake, squandered his only wish, for a sandwich.
And so. Finn made a mistake. He messed up really bad. He put on the crown.

Just at the moment he put on the crown, Finn started to cough up snow,and fell off of Barbar.
'I can hear the crowns promise of power! ' He thought, while his hair started to grow.
' Invading my brain! '
While he fought with the power of the crown, and tried to speak, he just ended up coughing up more snow. So many, that it actually blasted him up the air, creating a bunch of thunder clouds. As the sky got darker, Finn's power and anger only grew. And when it couldn't grow any longer, it burst out with a loud roar, consuming the fire, with ice, and snow.Satisfied, he turned towards his enemies.
"DESTINY GANG!"He screamed.Concentraiting his powers, he created a flow of snow once more,

but this time shooting at the gang. The power was so strong, that it actually froze all of them in place. And that wasn't enough for his new powers to claim. The unused power that lurked in him, still wished greedly for more. Snow flakes and wind flew around him, as he casted a spell out of his controll. Lightnings made of ice fell down on the ground, and people.
"Carefull there-"The old lady warned, but only more lightnings fell.
"Carefull-"She tried again, but the lightnings didn't stop.

"Dang it..."She ran as she cursed, with the Jake of this world following closely behind."Oh Simon..."

The lady ran, and jumped through bushes. She fell down a hole, where ice kept an atomb bomb, from falling on top of a skeleton. She wached in horror as the ice started to crack.

"One more hit, and the baby's gonna burst!"And that was the time when the lady heard a male's voice scream:"ICE LIGHTNING!"And the last lightning fell...
The ice barrier around the bomb broke in half infront of the lady's eyes, and before she could curse once more, the bomb blew up, creating a cloud of green smoke with roaring, and screaming ghost heads.

Finn looked at the cloud in fear, as a little sense came back to him.His glossy blue eyes followed the arising pile of wicked smoke, as he trambled.

"Whats happening?!"He called out, only to see his dear donkey in danger.

"Borbar! I'll save you!"

He huged the animal to his chest, as he created an ice baricade, to protect them. As the green storm calmed down a little beside them, the ice globe keeping them safe, broke, only to reveal a world with no joy in anymore. He looked around shocked, still huging his donkey. He climbed to the edge, helping Borbar, to see a green bubling lake, where the spirit like heads came from.

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