The Tale of the Boy Who Gave Up Everything

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Once a story begun,no one can stop it to not continue.Even if it poused,it will resume eventually.
And so this shatered memory came from the Unknown.Right from a boy,who gave up everything.

Once two brothers,Wirt and Greg were lost and helpless, until a blue talking bird Beatrice offered them,that she will guide them to a fary who will help them.

They had amazing,unbeliveble aadventures togeather.They also faced a lot of dangers,and demons.They became good friends.

But sadly it turned out that Beatrice betrayed them so she can break her curse.

Tho she defeated the evil fary,the brothers ran away from her,not willing to put trust in her ever again.

Soon Wirt,the older brother gave up.

Gave up hope, everything.

And so Greg became the leader.

In his dream he visited the world above the clouds to seek advice.There, he met the Queen of Clouds,who offered him to fulfill his wish.

"I shall grant you one wish.What do you wish for the most of all?"She asked.
"Well...I'm supposed to be the leader,but...I don't know the way home.Do you know?"He asked.
"Ofcourse"She sad"If you wish,I can cirtinly send you home."She asured him.
"Great!He cheered."Let's go get Wirt!"

"I'm sorry Gregory."She ruined the mood."But Wirt can not go with you. He is too lost."She made a picture of Wirt from the reality.Wirt did not move from the spot where he fell asleep,but wired branches started to grow on him.

"Huh?But anything is possible if you say you're mind to it.Right?"
"See how the eader wood grows around him?The Beast has claimed him already."She explained.
"Uh-oh...I should have Bern leading better!"He cried."I was goofing off like always.And now you're stuck here."He thought out loud."Isn't there anything I can do?"He asked.

"I'm sorry Gregory.Wirt's life is in the Beast hands now."She turned her head away from pity.

"Than I know what to wish for."He said dererminded.He motioned to the Queen,and wispeared to her ear his wish.
"Are you sure?"She asked with a worried face.Greg noded.

"It shall be done."She said with a sad tone."But you must know this.I will give you a chance to cancel this wish,when you are in danger,and send you back home."She said at last,and waved her wand.


"Shh!I'm trying to sleep!"He said anoyed,and squized his eyes harder.
"Okay.You sleep."He said."I'm sorry I got us lost,Wirt.Will you take care of Ronald for me?"No response."Okay.I have to go now."And he walked towards a dark figure."Goodbye Wirt."

"Yes.. Come Gregory,there is much to be done."A dark voice called out.
"And than you'll show us the way home,right?"
"Ofcourse,we made a promise,didn't we?"He chuckeled.

"Greg..."Wirt finally opened his eyes. "Greg...?Greg?Greg!Where'd you go?!" He screamed.Than relasation hit him. "Oh,no,no,no,no,NO!"He yelled.
"Greg?!"He called,but no one answered.He teared down the roots.

When he finished,he stood up,and ran in search for his brother.He cried out his brother name a severl times,in the wind.But the dark woods just echoed back his own voice.

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