What happened?

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{Denis POV:}

{Denis' dream}

I wake up to Corl shouting in my ear "DENIS GET UP! YOUR ALREADY LATE FOR SCHOOL!" Corl said almost waking the whole street up "I'M UP, I'M UP" I said shouting back at Corl "Good, Mom and Dad have left for work so we have to make our own breakfast" Corl said "ok...." I said, Corl walks down stairs and makes us breakfast, I get up then go have a shower then get dressed into a pare of jeans and a blue T-shirt, I walk down stairs and eat my breakfast, i grab my phone and my keys and then walk out the door with Corl.

~Time Skip~

"Denis i forgot something in the house, carry on walking i will meet you at school!" Corl said "Ok!" i said, i kept on walking, i hit something, what was it? "ouch..." the person said, i look down, its a boy with white hair glasses a purple top and jeans "OMG! i'm so sorry!" i say, i help him up "you ok?" i say "y-yeah" he says, Woah, his voice I-its so.....Cute? Wait what? uh... "So...whats your name?" he said " o-oh...my name is Denis!"i said " oh! nice to meet you Denis! My name is Alex!"

*wakes up* "huh?..." i look around, my whole bedroom is littered with rubbish and...Beer cans? "what the hell happened last night." i mumble to myself, i hear someone snoring, its Alex, his sweet soft snores always make me blush. I walk into Alex's room and see him sleeping, i walk out quickly as i see him wake up slowly, i walk down stairs and make breakfast for everyone, i make pancakes because who doesn't love pancakes! I think abut other things, completely forgetting about the mess in my room, still not knowing what happened.... I finish making pancakes and put them on plates for everyone...i start hearing voices in my head.....I scream.....every thing went black...

He's Mine ~ Dalex  (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now