Who I am

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Okay, my name is catalina. (It's really just a nickname). This is my journey. Every person I talk about has a name that describes their personality in my eyes. Just so that I don't get shade for anything later on. I'm 14 years old, and I'm approaching my final months of 8th grade. This year..hasn't been easy. I've gone through some drama. Ok that's a lie. A lot of drama. I'll introduce you to the most important people in my life so far.                                         First there is Matchbox boy, my boyfriend. He is tall, brown eyes and hair. Long curly eyelashes, sweet soul, gentle hands, sometimes smooth lips, and an adorable laugh. Why he is called matchbox boy, is a secret. I have one friend, sealion. She is incredible. She has brown Dutch braids, and a perfectly rounded nose, a short body, and she's some sexuality. Right now, she's lesbian. But idk. She is the person who is there for me with no judgement. She doesn't judge me for the person I am, or how I look. She and i bond over ghosts, boys, our weird talks about girls and boys and who we can see ourselves with one day. Sealion is my best friend. And no one but matchbox boy and her know it. My two friends who I wouldn't consider the best, based on the fact that they fight over me a lot and get mad at me for petty reasons. I'm going to speak up to them one day and tell them how much they annoy me. I call them Betty and Su. Su is Asian. She was adopted by her mother when she was really young. Su is very funny and can make me laugh when I don't feel like it. She also can be a little too cruel with her jokes. Betty and Su are in a fight. Betty on the other hand comes from a messed up family. They aren't drug dealers or anything, but instead they don't care for her. But Betty is jealous of me. Betty wants to have a boyfriend, be skinny, have all A's and more. I have things she doesn't. And so any chance she gets to make me feel like crap, is one she is willing to take. My mother, is bipolar to me. One day I love her, the next 2 i want to run away. She is a single mom, working super hard to take care of my selfish and bossy 6-year old brother and me. She says how much I'm a blessing in her life, but somehow expects the best from me everyday. I have an alarm set each day to do the dishes, just so I don't forget before she's home.

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