I forgot...

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before I had a chance to knock the dorr flung open Autumn standing right before me I coudlnt help but let my jaw fall at the sight infront of me. I know I shouldnt even be talking to her heck I shouldnt even still look at her or even call her my mate anymore,but how can I not?

she looked astonishingly beautiful even back then she did but being the dick I was had to tell her she wasnt good enough for me even though she was everything I have ever wanted! 

she was wearing a pair of sweat pants rolled up a little because of how baggy they were on her she also had on a spagheti strapped pink tank top. her hair was pulled back in a mesy bun,but it looked so perfect on her. 

"hey buddy? ya gonna look at me like a pervert or are you going to come in and speak like a real human?" she said crossing her arms over her chest,

"uh oh yeah er sorry" I said nervously scratching the back of my neck as she rolled her eyes and led me into her place.

it was cozy and modern mostly light colors like beige,white,or tan but it looked good in this house it looked welcoming.

"okay what do you wanna talk about?" Autumn said setting herself down crosslegged on her couch,

"oh yeah well uhm I do not know how to say this,but" I paused setting myself down on the comfy chari across from her and looking her in the eye,

how am I supposed to tell her this? will she hate me after this? does she even remember that we did it? of course she does stupid remember the awkward tension around you guys earlier? my wolf Adrian spoke I growled under my breathe at him,

shut up Adrian I could barely remember! I could remember all of it, she is so damn hot why did you have to ruin it for us I love her!

I rolled my eyes cutting off my connection with Adrian for now, oh he loves her? he barely even knows her he is just to over dramatic.

"okay why are you looking at me creepily again?" Autumn spoke breaking me out of my thoughts as she looked at me weirdly,

I chuckled nervously playing with my hands ad staring at my shoes like people do when they dont know what to do.

"are you going to finish your sentence?"Autumn said again pressing the topic with a crisp voice staring me right in the eye once I lifted my head.

"well you know how we kind of got intimite in the bedroom at that party?" I said trying to swallow down a lump in my throat, here goes nothing.

I looked up at her to see a redness was covering her cheeks as her eyes widened, is she blushing? she looks so adorable just kiss her!!

shut up Adrian!!

'uh er y-y-yeah" she stuttered out at any other moment I would of smirked and played with her for blkushing,but I couldnt help but feel 2 things,

one:now is not the time to go and get weird here

and two:she kind of looks cute when she blushes... cute thats it? she is freaking adorable!


"well uhm about that..." I began again tightenind my grip on myself,

"I dont like the sound of this.." Autumn mumbled her face showing worry,

I chcuckled nervously trying desperately to find the words to explain what happened that night she has a right to know.

"well uhm I kind of forgot the uh you know erm condom..." and once those words were out it all fell silent


HEY GUYS what do you think? shocker I know so what will happen know I bet you can guess cant you cx but I LOVE YOU SO MUCH I GOT LOTS OF READS THANKS GUYS PLEASE COMMENT IDEAS AND VOTE PLEASE

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