Hurry it up

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"Breathe Autumn breathe" my oh so wonderful mate said from the driver side as i sit next to him clecnching my teeth painfully to not let the screams loose.

It has been exactly fifteen minutes and fourty eight seconds since we have left and oh god was I in such pain. Every second this baby wouod kick me in a different region alerting me to let him or her out, and man did this baby really want out!

Of course here is what happened before we got into the car.

"Oh and his baby wants out now" I groaned rushing over to my closet in the corner,

I quickly pulled on a pair of sweats, and then grabbed the emergency baby bag on the nightstand by my bed, pulling on some comfy slippers I walked painfully back over to Brock.

Well more like waddled back...

"Brock?" I asked waving a hand infront of his face, he didnt even move once his face still held shock.

Another painful blow to my lower region and I toppled over,

I quickly tried turning myself around trying so hard not to land on the unborn baby, but alas I an fat.

"Shit" a deep voice swore as two arms wrapped around me pulling me back up and into a bridal style position.

"Oh finally my prince charming is back no get us in the car asshole!" I yelled pounding on his chest as he gave me a sheepish smile.

And that my dear lovelies is how we got into the car!

Fantastic story huh?

The bastard to my left finally pulled up into a human hospital,

I say this cause it is a human hospital.

The stench of anti biotics and lemon scented spray hit my nose like a tidal wave making me cringe and my nose shrink.

"This stench is terrible! Get it out of my nose!" I screeched waving my hands around as Brock casually carried me to the hospital room glaring at anyone who even thought of touching me.

Brock rolled his eyes at me making it clear I was being over dramatic and I just sighed heavilly letting my body go limo and my hand dangle by my forhead.

"No one understands me" I said my voice breaking a bit,

Brocks head whipped towards me as he set me on the stiff bed, and he grabbed my face.

"What happened are you okay I didnt mean it I swear!" He said making me giggle its called acting Brock.

But that giggle was cut short when a pain whipped against my stomach again makng me choke on my giggle if that is possible and grip my stomach in pain.

"Hello I am dr.Zahler I will be doing the birthing process today" a tall male came in pullng on rubber gloves as I bit down on my lip harshly.

"Oh hell no"

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