Lightning Love and other things

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Copyright © 2012 OneLove_OneDream
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His hand reached towards me, but I flinched back not wanting any type of contact with him. I know I shouldn’t be judging him so harshly, but he had won that judgment in a heartbeat. His green eyes pierced into my blue ones, causing me to take another step back, the table painfully shoving into my back.

“Why are you scared of me?  I haven’t done anything to you. I haven’t yelled at you like my brother, Trevor has.”

I furrowed my eyebrows, how had he known Trevor had yelled at me? So it was true that guys did talk amongst themselves, they were not so hush hush as they seemed.

He seemed to press me against the table even more, causing me to hiss in pain as the table digged even deeper on my back.

I shut my eyes trying to relax and think of a polite way to say ‘Get the hell off of me you idiot!’ but nothing seemed to come to mind. Before I could shove him away, his weight was off me in an instant. I blinked a couple times before realizing he was thrown across the kitchen.

Standing next to me was Jackson. He stood tall and proud, he also seemed really pissed off. “Learn your place John. I suggest you don’t pass it again,” he growled maliciously.

His whole demander was full of utter anger.

John stood up and chuckled, “Brother you do not want to test me.”

He began to walk towards us, with a murderous look on his face, though the smirk was the only none killing feature on his perfect face. I cowered behind Jackson without thinking of it. I didn’t want to be in John’s reach. I shut my eyes just in case I saw him reach for me.

“No, you do not want to test me.”

I shivered at the sound of the third voice, entering the room. I opened my eyes to see Trevor standing by the kitchen entrances with a smirking Austin on his side.

I watched Trevor’s body as it was rigid. His fist unclenching and clenching as if he was fighting with himself, badly. His eyes were so dark they no longer seemed grey but black. I watched as he sauntered towards John, who seemed not to move an inch.

He watched Trevor approaching him. I watched as he nibbled at his lip and without warning, Trevor had wrapped his hand around John’s neck, squeezing.

I let out a small squeak, as I clenched onto Jackson’s shirt.

That’s when heads snapped my directions, finally noticing me. Finally noticing my shaking self. Trevor’s eyes seemed to search mine for something, they seem to soften but as quick as it had came, it left. They were hard and cold once again as his eyes landed on my hand that was clenching onto Jackson’s shirt.

“All of you do not want to test me,” a warning voice announced. I turned to see Candle walking right besides John, she put her hand over Trevor’s hand, “Let him go brother.”

It seem that Trevor was refusing to do as Candle was saying. He shot me a look, “Let him go. Do you not see you are scaring Catalina.”

Boy was she right!

All I wanted to do at this moment was run out of this house and not come back. As much as I was kind of liking Candle, I don’t think I would ever want to visit her at her home, at least not when her brothers were home.

Seemed that those words were the perfect one’s to convince him to let go off John because immediately he realized the hold he had on John.

John stumbled backwards, grabbing his neck and shooting dagger at Trevor, “Aren’t you so touchy?” He taunted.

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