Mother daughter time

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Copyright © 2012 OneLove_OneDream
All Rights Reserved.


I didn’t know when exactly had I fallen asleep, but when my eyes fluttered open, to my surprise, I was in my own bed. I was half expecting to be resting in the bed I have occupied numerous of times in the Fier home. I would be lying if I said I didn’t feel half a hint of disappointment, but I brushed it off pulling away the sheets.

I made my way out my room as I walked through the hallway, I saw Max’s door slightly opened. I tiptoed closer, so I wouldn’t wake him just in case, but to my surprise, he was awake staring up at the ceiling as soon as he felt my presence, he’s little face turned towards me with a huge grin.

“Catcat!” He squealed for a two year old he was so damn adorable! I smiled at his nickname he had towards me. He wasn’t able to say my name properly but I didn’t mind it.

“Hey maxy, you want to go eat?” I opened the door wider.

Without hesitation, he scurried out of his car’s bed as he made his way towards me. I lazily picked him up planting a kiss on his soft cheek. “Let’s go,” I said as we made our way towards the kitchen. I could hear my mom rummaging through the kitchen making dinner, I presume. “Hi mom.”

She stopped to look at Max, “Hey baby your awake already?” she cooed. Her eyes then switched towards me, “How are you feeling?” she asked putting down bacon on a plate. I eyed the plate as my stomach began to protest with hunger.

I made my way towards the table, taking a seat, I looked up at her, “I’m feeling okay, just a little dazed. I have a question…How did I end up home?” I didn’t know how to say it any simpler and I knew I kind of sounded like a fool.

I hugged max tightly while he just sat on my lap like a good little boy. Mom gave me gentle smile, “Well I was shocked to say the least when those young men brought you home.”

My eyebrows shot up, “They all brought me home?” I asked stun. Did they ever travel alone? I wondered but didn’t voice it. Mom nodded her head excitedly, oh this was going to be good.

“Yes. I just had gotten home from some errands and they had just pulled up, rather quickly might I add, I was startled but even more when that young man pulled you out of the car unconscious! He then told me what had happened. I should have a word with that principle of yours!” She hissed out angrily her momma bear coming out.

I chuckled shaking my head, I placed Max down

“No mom don’t do that. I don’t want more attention to be brought upon myself. Besides,” I shrugged my shoulders looking towards Max as he zoomed around the kitchen, “I can take care of myself. I really don’t want them to act more mean towards me,” I said as I looked up at her.

She had a torn look as if she didn’t know what to do. I didn’t blame her though, she probably felt so helpless unable to help her daughter, but I really didn’t need this to get any worse.

She let out a defeated sigh, “Okay. But not because I don’t want to do anything but because your new friends promised me to look out for you.”

My eyebrows shoot up, shocked. “My friends? The Fier’s?” I asked.

Mom nodded as she began to put the food on our plate, “yeah them. You should had seen that Trevor boy though, he looked like he wanted to strangle someone. We talked as he held you because he didn’t want to let you go. I thought it was cute and weird at the same time, thankfully your dad is at work or he would had gone ballistic to see his baby girl in a guys arm fainted.”

I rolled my eyes and giggled. “Anyways I told them how those kids have always given you a hard time with your bad headaches, your fear of small places and crowded places and of course your fear of fire. They looked all vengeful, but hey if it keeps my baby safe go for it. I know I can’t protect you all the time but I’ll be damn if I don’t have others doing so.”

She kissed my cheek gently, “Now time to eat before you have to start getting ready.”

I looked at her with a confused expression, my eyebrows furrowing, “Get ready?” I asked.

She looked at me startled, “Oh I forgot! She put her hands into her pockets and began to dig for something, “Ah-ha! Here we go.” She pulled out a small folded paper and handed it to me, “here you go Trevor told me to give this to you when you woke up. I like him, he’s handsome.” I felt my face blush on its own accord.

I let out a groan, “Oh mom, come on!”

I took the piece of paper, slowly unfolding it. The writing seemed to fancy and neat.

Catalina, I wished I was there when you awaken but I had to handle something. But I do wish we can go eat later on as a dinner? Be ready by five. See you soon. Love, Trevor Fier.

I blinked at the note. Not knowing how to react. He wished he was here when I woke up? But why? Wait dinner? Be ready at five? Shouldn’t it already be five?



“How long was a knocked out?” I asked.

“Oh well…A day.  Not that I wanted to pry into your business but the curisouty got the better of me and you missy have a date in two hours.”

My head snapped towards her, “two hours?!”

She nodded as she picked Max up, “Yes its three in the afternoon.”

My jaw dropped, I had slept this long?! Oh god. “So get to eating something light and get ready for your date.” She then looked at max, “Your sister is going on her first date!”

Which followed with Max giggling and saying, “Date! Date!”

Oh god have mercy on me. I wished my mom was less abnoxious at times.

SORRY for the long wait! I had some problems but thanks to all of you who still supported me. Hope you enjoy this chapter I know it was short and boring but I promise you next chapter wil be better why? because of the date :D 

so dont forget to vote and comment!(:
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