Warmth in the coldest days

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Copyright © 2012 OneLove_OneDream
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My eyes fluttered open, I looked around not really knowing where I was but expecting someone to be there, yet there was no one. I let out a shiver as a gust of wind blew through the window. My mind was no longer fussy with sleep, I began to look around, I was not in my room, that much was clear.

I looked around the room, noticing it was pretty plain. Other than the bed, a small couch and a dresser nothing much inside the room.  On the dresser there were a few scattered things like cologne.

My mind shifted to what had happened last night. I knew I hadn’t gotten that drunk to not remember anything. I was drinking and I went outside and saw…Saw John biting on Kelly’s neck, which was odd but I guess he was into that kinky thing. Then what happened? I brushed it out of my mind at the moment, I wasn’t going anywhere with this, I couldn’t remember as much as I tried to, I couldn’t.

Lifting myself out of the bed, I pulled my dress back down as it had lifted up during my sleep.

“Finally your awake!”

I jumped at the sudden noise. Candle was looking at me with wide blue sparkling eyes. I felt as if my heart had fallen out of my butt, “Oh god! I didn’t see you there! You almost gave me a heart attack!”

Candle looked at me as if I was crazy and let out a half hearted laugh, “Sorry, I thought you had seen me, come on let’s have some breakfast. Are you feeling a hangover?” She asked.

Boy was she chirpy in the morning.

I followed her down the hall half heartily. I wanted to sleep more or shower, I felt as if something had ran me over. Once we entered the kitchen, the boys were there already eating, all of them but Trevor.

Austin looked up at me a hint of amusement in his eyes, “Well look at who finally decided to wake up, we were all waiting for you to awake so we can eat, but you took forever and us guys got to eat.”

I smiled, walking towards the empty seat next to him, “Sorry I didn’t know you guys were going to bring me over to your house. Oh by the way do my parents know I’m here?”

I had completely forgotten my parents were probably worried that I hadn’t came home last night. I was suppose to babysit today. I was sure they were going to let me have it.

“Yeah they do know, I called your mom today bright and early, I told her, I was going through a difficult time and I needed you last night so you spent the night over and forgot to call you them.”

I raised my left eyebrow, damn she was good at lying, I even believed it myself…

“Did they believe you? Because usually mom is good at picking up lies.”

And my mom was good at it, I was never able to get away with anything when I lied, she would always know and sometimes it bothered me but I got over it.

“Oh Catalina, Catalina,” I turned to look at Jackson, I was surprised he was speaking to me since he tended never to direct a word to me, “Our little sister here, it an EXPERT at lying though, she can never get past us on that but with others, she always gets away with flying colors, so believe me when I saw, your parents believed her one hundred percent, by the way they said they said to come home in the night since that’s when they are going to be back and they don’t want you to be all alone in the house.”

I gaped at him. That sure as hell didn’t sound like my parents.

“Uh well I guess so…” I looked around seeing that Trevor wasn’t around my curiosity got the best of me, “So where’s Trevor? Is he still asleep?”

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