7. grass
You're probably thinking "Paige how in the heavens do you rant about grass?" Honey I can rant about everything.
It not that I don't like grass it's just certain types of grass. Like this might just be my yard, but they're these plants that make themselves look like normal grass. THEY ARE NOT NORMAL GRASS. Ok I looked it up. I didn't find a name of the plant. It appears to be grass, but when you step on it the plant like freaks out and sends a toxin into your foot. Crazy right? My yard is covered and I don't like wearing shoes. Because practically the only time I go outside is to the pool and I ain't listening to no squeaking shoes. So I go with no shoes and I step on like 4 of those crazy foot toxin plants at a time. Sometimes the plants is dead and only sends the prickly part into your foot, but then sometimes the plant is still very much alive and the prickly thing shoots toxins into your foot and it goes a little numb.
This was a really short rant, but it had to be put out there for y'all to take in. In all reality though how much can you rant about grass.
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Possibly message ideas for rants to do because I'm new to writing down my rants ( I usually rant to innocent people).
Random Rants About Random Shit
Humor. This is about everything there is to rant about. I'm just a teen with a lot of anger with people and their stupid shit. So please read.