8. Emojis

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8. Emojis

THOSE DAMN EMOJIS!! HOLY FUCKING GOOSE! <---- that's my new saying. You likey? Wow I'm a loser.....

Anyway today's rant (or should I say this weeks rant....whatever) is on emojis and the overused amour of them. Sorry I got a case of the dumb today so the grammar is so bad.


Me: yeah my aunt just died

Friend: omg girl sorry about that😦😵😟😟😵😐😵😯😯😕😐😦😬😧😕😵😕😑😓😢😪😥😰😆😤😖😆😋😨😱😓😫😫😢😭😪😥😰😭😪😭😓

Me: gee thanks

Friend: no problem girl😍😘😝😳😙😄😣😚😘😁😝😁😜😌😌😘😊😄😃😍😍😘😜😜😚😝😚😛😛😠😠😩😰😢😅😢😥😱😪😫😨😓😱😖😠😖😠😖😩😎😩😋😓😜☺️😍😍


_______Case closed_________

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