Part 6

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Friday seems to go by super slow because you can't wait until you go to Noah's to meet the cast. He texts you his address and you figure out he does live close to you, but not exactly walking distance with a suitcase filled with things for the sleepover.
Your parents come home around 5 and they say they have to have a talk with you downstairs.
Mom: "(Y/N)? Could you come downstairs for a minute please?"
You go downstairs and see both of your parents standing there and you're confused on what's going on.
You: "Is something wrong?"
Dad: "You know how you're not going to school right now?"
You: "Yeah, why?"
Dad: "Well, since you will be away from home for a couple of months for the filming, we were wondering if you would be open to doing online school instead of actually enrolling you into public school."
You: "I was actually hoping you would say that. I wouldn't want to be the new kid in the middle of freshman year."
Mom: "Great! Whenever you have free time, you will need to do online lessons and that's on you. We'll know if you aren't doing them though, so you can't just skip it."
You: "I wouldn't do that."
Dad: "Okay, we will get you enrolled while you're at Noah's tonight."
You: "Thanks."
Mom: "Are you ready to go? I can take you now if you'd like."
You: "Yeah I'm ready, let's go!"
Mom: "Okay!"
You hop in the car with mixed emotions. You're excited to see Noah again and hang out with the cast, but at the same time you're nervous about how they'll react to you.
When you arrive, your mom comes in with you so she can talk to Karine. You're the first one there.
Karine: "Hi (Y/N)! Come on in!"
You walk inside to see Noah standing in the kitchen getting snacks ready for you and the cast while your parents talk on the porch.
You: "Hey Noah!"
Noah: "You're here! Hi!"
He runs over and gives you a hug.
Noah: "Well since you're here before everyone else, why don't I give you a house tour?"
You: "Sure, your house is beautiful by the way."
Noah: "Thanks, your house was beautiful too."
You both laugh and you tour his house which looks similar to yours, modern and clean. When you get back downstairs, your mom has left and someone is here. It's Finn and Caleb! Noah welcomes them in while you stay in the kitchen. After they talk at the door for a minute, the three of them walk in the kitchen.
Caleb: "Oh, so this is the girl you were talking so much about yesterday?"
Noah: "This isn't the girl Caleb. It's (Y/N)!"
You: "Hi guys! I can believe I'm actually meeting you in person. This is insane."
Finn: "Well I'm Finn Wolfhard. You probably haven't heard of me because I'm definitely not on a show you watch."
You: "Nope, never heard of you before!"
You guys all laugh but one thing that Caleb said sticks in the back of your mind. He was talking about you so much yesterday? You had no idea.
The doorbell rang and Sadie and Millie were welcomed in by Noah and Finn while you talked with Caleb in the kitchen.
Caleb: "So how does it feel to be a new addition to the hottest cast?"
You: "I mean it's not a major addition but I honestly couldn't be happier. I literally loved your show and it's so surreal that I'm going to be on it!"
Caleb: "Well I'm speaking for all of us, we're really excited to have you join us! And from the way Noah was talking about you, you seem really awesome."
You: "Thanks Caleb."
Millie: "Oh my gosh hi! You're (Y/N) right?"
You: "Yep that's me!"
Millie: "Awesome! We're so excited to have you added to our cast!"
You: "Thanks!"
Sadie: "So I heard from Noah you sing really well, would you mind maybe singing for us later?"
Noah: "I told her she doesn't really have a choice because her beautiful voice needs to be heard!"
You: "Well then I guess later tonight you guys will get the performance of a lifetime from the one and only me."
You all laugh and suddenly Gaten walks in. The whole cast is here!
Gaten: "(Y/N)! Hi!"
You: "Hi Gaten!"
Noah: "Okay now that everyone's here, why don't we get this party started with some food!"
Millie: "But no pizza, right?"
Noah: "No, only snacks for today. Pick what you want and let's head to the basement!"
You all grab a whole bunch of snacks that Noah set out on the table and run downstairs. His basement is huge with a movie room complete with two rows of four chairs and a bar for the adults and a party room for Noah and his friends. You take your snacks into the movie room for later when you watch a movie and head into the party room.
Gaten: "So what are we going to do?"
Finn: "We should probably play some sort of game so (Y/N) can get to know us better and we can get to know her better."
You: "That sounds like a good idea! Any games we should play?"
Millie: "How about truth or dare?"

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