Part 8

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Millie: "Do you want to?"
You: "Well, I don't know. It's just so weird how I've known him for like 3 days and I'm already starting to feel like this. What is going on with me?!"
Sadie: "Ok, calm down. This is natural! People start to feel feelings quick, but I'm guessing you don't love him."
You: "No, I don't. That's way too fast."
Millie: "Okay. Tell him when you're ready. If you're ready today, do it today. If you're ready in 2 weeks, tell him in 2 weeks."
You: "Thanks guys."
Sadie: "Anytime. We should probably get water, they're probably confused on why we've been gone so long."
Millie: "Yeah."
The three of you got your water and went back downstairs.
Caleb: "What took you so long?"
Millie: "We were talking about things."
Caleb: "What kind of things?"
Millie: "Girl things. You wouldn't understand."
Caleb: "Ok, whatever you say Millie."
It's about 11:00 when you get back downstairs, and everyone is kind of tired. You get your sleeping situation all organized, you sleeping by Millie and Sadie in the movie room, the boys sleeping in the party room.
Millie: "I'm going to post a video on my Instagram story so get pretty guys!"
You and Sadie fix your hair and Millie starts to film.
Millie: "Hi guys! I'm here with Sadie and also one of the newest editions to our Stranger Things family! Make sure to follow her and I love you guys!"
You and Sadie wave to the camera and she ends the video.
Millie: "Alright, I'm tagging you (Y/N), and just a warning, you're going to blow up with followers."
You: "Haha, okay."
You, Sadie, and Millie talk about your life in Kansas while your phone is actually blowing up.
You: "Oh my gosh you guys! I already have 1,000 followers!"
Sadie: "How many did you have before?"
You: "I had like 200 before you tagged me. Now my pictures are being spammed with likes and comments."
Millie: "Why don't we take one now?"
You: "I'll go see if the boys are still awake so they can take it."
You walk over the other room and the boys are still up.
You: "Can one of you guys come in the movie room?"
Noah: "I will."
You: "We need you to take a picture of us."
Noah: "Without the boys?"
You: "Well I mean they can be in it, but we need someone to take a picture."
Noah: "There's a setting on your phone that has a countdown for 10 seconds and then takes a photo. Caleb, Finn, Gaten, come in here!"
The boys all rush into the room.
Finn: "What?"
Noah: "We need to take a family picture."
Sadie: "Family picture?"
Noah: "Well, we're all like one big family, so we need a family picture."
Sadie: "Okay?"
Noah sets your phone on the floor where you can get a good photo.
You: "What kind of photo are we taking?"
Gaten: "What do you mean?"
You: "Like is it a silly photo or cute photo."
Gaten: "I want to do a silly photo."
Millie: "Okay, then let's to do that."
Noah: "Okay! I just set the timer for 10 seconds."
Everyone scrambles to find a funny pose, but the picture is taken and everyone looks like a big jumble of people.
You: "Okay! Let's plan out what we're going to do so we don't look like this next time."
Caleb: "Agreed."
Noah: "How about all the guys lift the girls?"
Finn: "What?"
Noah: "Like Caleb will lift Sadie, I will lift (Y/N), and Gaten and Finn will lift Millie in the middle."
Millie: "I actually kind of like that."
You: "Does everyone want to do that?"
Everyone agrees.
Noah: "Okay, everyone get in your places."
Noah sets the timer and runs over to you and lifts you up like you weigh as much a feather.
The picture is taken and Noah sets you down. You felt like you were flying in his arms and felt happy around him.
Millie: "Woah, that turned out so good!"
You: "Yes! I'll tag all you guys and make sure to like and comment."
Gaten: "Fine. Wait, what is your Instagram anyways?"
You: "Here."
You hand Gaten your phone and he passes it around so everyone can follow you.
You post the photo, tagging them and with a caption saying 'some of the best memories are with some of the best people.'
Millie: "Aww! I love your caption!"
You: "Anything for y'all."
Millie: "Y'all? What is that?"
You: "Oh, it means you all. I forgot you guys aren't country people for a second there."
Caleb: "Okay, well I'm super tired so goodnight y'all!"
The rest of the boys say goodnight and head back into their room.
Noah: "Hey, I didn't make you sing tonight, but in the morning you have to."
You: "Oh, are you the boss of me now?"
Noah: "While you're under my roof I am."
You: "Haha, okay I'll sing tomorrow."
Noah: "Goodnight."
You: "Night."
When he walks out of the room, Sadie and Millie both smirk at you.
You: "Oh my gosh you guys!"
Sadie: "I'm sorry, we just had to!"
Millie: "Yeah! You guys are too cute."
You: "Goodnight guys. Thanks for the amazing night."
Sadie: "Love you guys, goodnight."
Millie: "Night."
The three of you fall asleep shortly after and you spend the whole night with Noah in your mind.

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