01. One of a pair

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Thomas knew from the moment he woke up that today would be a lovely day. It was not only because of the fact that he'd finally see all of his co stars again but also because of the fact that it truly was a lovely day. The sun was shining, birds were flying around freely and only a few amount of clouds were visible in the wonderful blue sky of the city. Thomas landed in Korea last night, heading of to his hotel immediately knowing that it was way too late to even do anything. He had a wonderful night, dreaming about nothing at all but yet everything. There were different types of people in the world of dreams and Thomas was that type of person that never remembered his dreams. He knew that he had them, but never remembered them.

Also maybe this would be a lovely day because he'd finally meet up with Ki Hong and Dylan again. This was officially the last movie they did which meant also the last press tour of them all. Thomas did not know if he should feel happy or not about that. He didn't really enjoy very much to be rushed from one side of the globe to another because of all this press but he really did enjoy to spend time with his cast mates and show the movie to the world. There was one thing he was sure of though. He'd finally be fulfilled of happiness when he'd meet with his friends especially Dylan. He had the feeling he hadn't got to see his mate for months if not years, 2018 had started the right way for him.

Even if Thomas did not admit it from the first second on, he did enjoy every second he spent with O'Brien. It made him happy, it took him back to life. Dylan was a nice guy, he was funny, made Thomas truly upside down and joked out of the dumbest things you could possibly think of. And that was exactly what Thomas missed so much. He missed to just mess around with the person he felt comfortable with. Thomas really stood to his reputation, he has always been the nice professional kid next door that did not talk or joke much. He didn't even try to. Once or twice he let out a silly remark so that he'd not be too boring but he wanted to stay professional. But somehow that wanting and need of professionalism faded away when his eyes met Dylan's. All he wanted was to let the American enjoy his time and let out as many jokes as possible. He wanted to laugh with him and be even part of the whole messing around. He sometimes even did, Dylan took back the child in Thomas that he didn't really had.

Thomas career started really early, if not too early. He knew that he had missed out of a big part in his life and that he couldn't enjoy his childhood. It was not that he was unhappy, because he really was happy but he missed stuff. He never joked around in the mud or ran outside in the rain. He never really joined in to other child's pranks or jokes, he was always the reserved one, who wanted to stick to his image. And when he met Dylan, he found his way back to the childhood he never had.

Thomas ran around in the rain like a fool for the first time when he was with Dylan. He made up pranks with him on set, he sometimes even messed up his lines on propose just to hear his friend laugh. Thomas was happy to finally enjoy something he never had, he was happy to know that Dylan also enjoyed to see Thomas enjoy himself.

Each time they were taken apart it broke Thomas heart. He knew he'd fall back into his 'protect my image' thing and be serious again. He wouldn't joke around, climb up the walls or make silly selfies. But it was worth it because each time Thomas knew he'd see Dylan again, it made him smile like a little kid who had gotten a lollipop.

And it wasn't different in Dylan's world. He really enjoyed the time he spend with his fellow friend and tried to make the most out of it for himself and for Thomas. Dylan has always been the guy that messes around, made up stupid jokes that nobody found funny and just got into trouble. When he first met Thomas he was nervous, oh hell yes he was so so nervous. He knew that Thomas was a reserved guy, that he stood to his image and actions but he still admired him to death.

He grew up seeing that soft little face. He had even lost count of how many times he had watched Nanny McPhee by now. Dylan really wanted to meet that kind of an actor and when he did, he just didn't know what to do, something that never happened with Dylan. When he didn't know what to say or how to act, he'd just let go one of his stupid jokes but with Thomas it was different. He wanted to show him that he could be professional too, that Thomas was not put together in a set with some stupid amateur that knew nothing except stupid puns.

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