08. Newtmas

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It didn't take Thomas long to find the little shop his friend was so excited about. He got out of the car, with a light smile on his face just by thinking about the fact that he'd see his friend he had been ignoring for so long again.

Thomas entered the shop, hearing the bell ring above him. It truly was a small shop in a corner not everyone would see. Thomas who grew up in London, never realised that this shop even existed. He started to look around, not leaving his spot and letting the door close behind him. He turned his head to the right, than the left. Slowly, examining the room for his friend.

Dylan, who jumped up when he heard the bell ring, went to the corner of the hallway he was in. He put his head out, smiling at Thomas brightly, "Come. Come fast."

Thomas followed his fellow's hand gestures, smiling more and shaking his head slightly. Dylan took Thomas wrist when that one arrived at the hallway and dragged the blonde with him.

"Dyl. Slow down."

And that was what he did. He stopped abruptly, making Thomas smash against Dylan's back. When Dylan turned around, he was holding a box in front of his chest proudly.

"Look at this!" he exclaimed happily.

Thomas looked at the box, seeing animals inside of it, "What is so hype about this? It's just some stupid plastic animals."

Dylan shook his head, with a sad face printed. His eyes went big, as if he was begging for Thomas to understand. The older one felt uncomfortable, feeling a pain in his body that truly wanted him to understand his friends hype.

"You can put them apart! And again together!" Dylan's voice cracked lightly, making it sound even funnier.

"What?" Thomas asked with a smile. He couldn't believe his friends statement. It made him soft that his friend was so exited about some animals you could mix. He chuckled lightly.

"Yes I know! This is so cool! Look you take the giraffes legs away and put the lama's ones! Then u have a lamaffe! Or you the the elephant and the hippo! You get a elepippo!" Dylan said, not believing his own words.

He turned the box to him, smiling at it as if it would be the true love of his life. Thomas laughed at Dylan's words.

"Don't laugh! This is amazing!" Dylan said lightly offended, putting the box under his arm.

"I'm sorry it's just... don't you think you're a bit too old for that Dyl?" The Brit asked, letting his head fall slightly to the right, looking at his friend with a smile.

"That's why I begged you to come here! You look like 16 you can buy this. Just say it's for your sister or something." Dylan said.

This time Thomas brushed out in laughter. He couldn't believe his friend. He had planned all of this to make Thomas buy some little toys for him so that Dylan wouldn't look stupid.

"Thomas. Not funny." Dylan said, not laughing a slightly bit. He was serious this whole time and he wanted to see the fusion between the hippo and the elephant really badly.

"Fine." Thomas took the box out of Dylan's hands, leaving his friend behind. He heard how Dylan clapped in joy as he left the hallway and went to the checkout.

An old man was standing behind the counter, reading a newspaper. When Thomas laid down the box in front of both of them he looked up, laying his newspaper aside. He looked at Thomas trough his glasses and then at the box, like he was trying to riddle something out.

"For my sister." was everything Thomas said before taking out his wallet.

The man checked in the box, demanding the money from Thomas side who gave it to him instantly. He took the box the mans had put in a plastic bag and smiled one last time before leaving the shop. When he was outside, he started walking to his car, totally forget about Dylan.

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