11. Questions

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"Dylan open this door or I swear to god I will definitely throw all of your clothes out of that window into that beautiful mud in my garden!" Thomas yelled while knocking on the door for almost 5 minutes straight.

It have now been 3 days that the American and the Brit were together under a roof and tried to live together in London. Dylan enjoyed to be with Thomas the whole day and night. He enjoyed every second he had to make the blonde die out of desperation and annoyance. It wasn't that Dylan really tried hard, Thomas lost his patience very fast, especially in the morning after Dylan came always into the others room with a "Spider-Man alike bomb" as Dylan liked to call it.

The brunet came into the oldest room not making a sound, trying his hardest to not wake his friend up and then jumped from the floor off into Thomas bed "the way Peter Parker would do it", he said.

After the jump into Thomas bed, he'd tell Thomas how beautiful the weather was and that he had to wake up and make breakfast because his own self was starving. When Thomas ended up groaning and then pulling the blankets over his face, Dylan would rip them off and run with them into the bathroom, locking the door and taking his morning shower.

The brunet was obvious done with his shower for five minutes now and Thomas kept knocking, commanding him to open the door so that he could do his morning routine himself. Dylan didn't open the door this morning though, he kept still not making a sound and thy annoyed Thomas at it's hardest.

"O'Brien!" the Brit screamed, making his voice crack at the end lightly.

All Thomas got in return were the light giggles from Dylan and a flush of the toilet. Thomas smiled, knowing that the waiting was finally over and that his friend would come out.

When the blonde didn't get any other type of survival after that flushing, he knocked again, "Dylan are you done?"

A flush. "You must be kidding me."

A third flush. "That makes three!"

Flush. And another flush.

"Oh my god! I'm done with you." Thomas listen his hands into the air, turning around and leaving to Dylan's room.

He opened the closet where all the clothes of his friend were, opening the window afterwards too. Thomas looked outside, making sure that if he'd throw everything outside it wouldn't fall somewhere it could possibly ruin something or even end up at the wrong spot.

When Thomas nodded, in confirmation that it was safe enough to trow the clothes outside, he run over to the closet, taking a mountain of clothes out and holding them between his two little hands. The blonde started walking over to the window, with no doubt about what he was going to do on his face. He wasn't doing the for fun no, he was truly annoyed.

"What the hell are you doing?" A voice echoed behind Thomas, making him turn around to face Dylan who was in front of him with a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Uhhhm... cleaning." Thomas said, turning around again and keeping doing what he was doing before.

"Thomas!" was the only thing the Brit heard before he heard the sound of a strong body run into his direction.

The older one started running, hoping that he'd reach the window in time to trow the clothes out. It wasn't like it would matter much because he really was annoyed and wanted to give a light payback but he'd help Dylan collecting his clothes and cleaning them afterwards anyways. Before he could eventually reach the window, his waist got embraced of two strong arms, holding him lightly up and holding him against the persons' own body.

"Forget it Tom." Dylan laughed before taking Thomas away from the window.

Thomas tried to fight against the others hold and somehow still manage to trow all the clothes out of that window that looked so beautiful in only inches in front of him, but he ended up letting Dylan take this victory. It was too early in the morning for any type of sports and Thomas wouldn't have any change against the strong American anyways.

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