-Moving On (continued)

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Ciaria's POV:

After I finished chatting with my parents and sister I went to look for Nicole and Brittany. I walked around bumping in to a few students. I finally caught a glimpse of Nicole's honey blonde hair. I ran towards her to see she was dragging a guy threw the dirt.

"Next time you know not to mess with me!" I heard her yell.

"Hey, hey Nicole let the poor guy be." I told her.

"Fine!" She said and gave the guy one more look of disgust.

You see Nicole is a very popular jock. She can play any and every sport. She's very tough so if you rub her the wrong way then I feel bad for you. But she has her girly days like today. She had on a long red sleeveless dress on and red heels to match. She wore a white necklace and she had her hair straight. All my friends look fabulous.

"Nicole why did you have to hurt the poor guy?" I questioned.

"He rubbed me the wrong way and everybody knows better then to try that with me." She explained herself.

"Well you need to go easy on people." I said to her.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah always nagging anyways did you tell your mom yet?" She asked.

If your wondering what she's talking about it's the big move to NYC.

"No not yet." I said honestly.

"C you have to tell them tonight we leave tomorrow."

"I know, I know I'll tell her I promise."

-Later that night-

I was shaking really hard, I knew my mom wasn't going to take this well. I looked at her as She say across from me reading a novel she recently got. I finally built up the courage.

"Mom we need to talk."

My mom put down her novel and looked up at me.

"About what sweetie?" She asked.

"Mom tomorrow Brittany, Nicole and I are moving to New York." I said with a hint of fear in my eyes.

She started to laughing.

"Your kidding,right?" She said while still laughing. I really didn't see what was funny.

"Mom I'm being serious!"

Her whole demeanor changed.

"Ciara Sophie Baker are you out of your mind! you know I love Brittany and Nicole but I'm not gonna let you go and ruin a great opportunity to Harvard. Nicole and Brittany's mom may want daughters who will end up working at Burger King but I sure don't. Do you really think this model thing will support you forever, they'll only use you for 3 years then they'll look for the next young girl!"

She finished yelling at me and I had tears rolling down my face. She's my mom she is suppose to support me no matter what. I just got up from the love seat and went to my room. If she thought I wasn't gonna go the she was dead wrong. I just had to sneak out.

Sorry if it seems short but this is the end of chapter one 😌

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