-The big city continued-

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Brittany's POV:

        Today I was going to the label that was interested in signing me. This will make or break my career, like I just got up and left my old life not even knowing if I was gonna even going to be signed. The sun was blazing today it was so hot, I thought only California could get this hot. Lucky for me I wore jeans and a long sleeved shirt, how could I be so dumb? Oh well it's to late to turn back now. As I got closer to the building my palms started to sweat maybe it was the sun's ray. Why do I keep lying to myself? I am so nervous it's not even funny, what if they reject me then what am I going to do? I'm gonna hear a big I told you so from half of my family. I reached the front of the bricked building.

        "It's now or never I told myself."

        As I walked inside I was greeted with a a nice water fountain in the middle of the floor. I was amazed. I walked up to the front desk to sign myself in.

        'Good Morning, how may I help you?

        "Good Morning,  I had an appointment with Chad Miller"

        "Your name please?"

        " Brittany Andrews"

        "Yes right this way Miss"


        Chad's assistance I guess lead the way. Her waves bounced as she walked, she walked with an attitude like she ran this town. Which she probably could. We came upon a room and she knocked 3 times.

        "Yes, who is it?"

        His voice sounded so familiar.

        "Brittany Andrews is here."

        "Send her in."

        I walked inside the beautifully decorated room. I think I was to memorized that I didn't even realize that Chad was trying to talk to me.

        "Um hello?"

         "Oh i'm sorry." I chuckled nervously.

          "It's fine." I heard him snicker.

        He got up to go turn on the lights and that's when I saw him take off his hood also. he turned around and I think we both realized who each other were.



        "Wow this is a small world." He had said.

        "Your telling me."

        "I'm glad that I get to see you again." He smiled at me.

        "Yeah me to." I returned the smile.

        " Well we're both obviously here for a reason, lets see what you have in store for me ." He said and winked at me.


        I went  into the booth and grabbed the headphones, I took a deep breath and sang my heart out. I heard that I was good but this was a proffesional he knew what he was doing. When i was done I heard an applause.

        "Good job, that was amazing." Chad said to me.

        "Thank you." I said shly.

        I was so nervous around him and in that moment I knew if I got this contract it would be more then a partnership.

Well hey ya'll long time no see huh? I know i'm late but i would still like wish you guys a Very Merry Christmas and I hope you guys enjoyed it with your family and god bless you all. You guys will get more updates because I got a new laptop YAY!

Chad in the photo 






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