Chapter One

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It's been three years, three years since I left that place where I knew no one wanted me. I have been living on my own for three years. And I have been on the same missing list for three years. But it's going to be taken down. I know it will. I mean who cares right, might as well be dead.

Right now I have a plan. I'm going to go. Leave this city. Live in Atlanta, Georgia. I have been here for three years and now I'm finally leaving. Im going out of state. What state you ask? Well I decided to leave off to Ohio, they have a few small towns so I picked the smallest I could find. It's not even a town, it's a village.ohio has quite a few of them but this one, no one would ever find me there.

Where am I? Well i  just now leaving Georgia heading in what I think is Tennessee. I continue my way down the road passing by a truck stop called 'Loves' I thought it looked like a good place to get some food. I walk in and and look around I see that it is a basic gas station for truckers. There the spinning food that might have been there through out the whole day. I saw a few of the workers look at me with a look that said 'what is that strange kid just standing there for.'

So I walk in further and look around with one thought on my mind 'I hope this works' I have to eat I haven't eaten in a few days, I've been on the roads.

"Hey kid. Lookin for somethin." A worker walked up to me looking at me like he knew what I was going to do. Shit! I knew this was gonna happen.

"U-ahh no. I was-ss getting something for m-my dad outside." I said nodding my head like a mad man.

"Okay son." He said walking away. I walked over to the candy and grabbed some and looked over to see the man watching me carefully. I gulped and walked over to the turning food, which was closes to the door. I opened it and got a already assembled sandwich. I took a deep breath and when I heated the door chime I saw a man walk in and he looked old tired but he looked a little creepy. He walked over to the alcohol and grabbed a six-pack of bud light beer and walks to the register.

The man was still looking at me like he was ready so I did what I had to do. I walked up behind the old man and watch stick his wallet back into his back pocket and while no one was looking I swiped it out of there opened it and took money out of it and stick it back in his pocket. But what I didn't notice was a the mirror above us that showed everything I just did, but that's not the bad part. The old man saw what I did and squinted one eye at me with a tiny smirk. The only thought my mind was the word run. But for some reason I can't. I'm stuck.

He licked his lips in a weird way and that triggered something in my mind "Sir are you okay." The cash register guy asked. And that's when I took off running off with not only the food but the guys money. "Hey! Get back here! You didn't pay for that!" I heated the man screaming at me. I didn't stop and got right back on track to where I was going. But I had to stop and luckily I found a big rock and sat on it, I started to get out my food and eat it. It was night time and I found stars up in the sky, the stars are something different. They remind me of myself, because no matter what when you wake up there not going to be there but they usually end up coming back, just not in the same spot, why because the earth moves on it leaves it buddies, just like my mom left me.

By now I'm done eating the sandwich and candy, I saved some for later. I'm about to start back on the road but a bright light stops me. I turn around a see a semi-truck stop. I want to just keep walk info but I'm to curious. I see the door open and a man walks out but not any man. The man from the gas station. My heart rate increased and once again I was stuck.

"Hey kid, you okay." The man said but stoped walking when he saw my face not clearly. "I remember you," he bit his dry crusted lip then he licked them the same way like back at the gas station. "You took my money and ran, back at that gas station. You know you could have gotten away with it if that mirror wasn't there."

"Look sir, I'm really sorry about that. Here take it back, please." I insisted.

"No I have a better way you can apologize," he said looking at me in the eye. "Come over here." Okay now I am scared. Should I walk over there? Okay I'm going to do it.

I make my way over there slowly and while doing so he looks at me with a tiny smirk. "Get in the truck."

"U-hhh, that's not a good idea," I start to back up away from him but he grabbed my lanky arm.

"Ah ah ah, what makes you think your going anywhere sweet cheeks?" He gave me a creepy look. Now I'm not what you call buff or strong even. I problem weigh like 120 pounds so imagine that a scrawny young 16 year old guy being dragged into a truck by a creepy 50 year old guy who has really big arms and a beer belly.

He threw me in the passengers seat, I thought he was going to go on the other side but I thought wrong. He climbed over me on my lap and then closed the door behind him. He smirked at me and tried to push him off pleading him to get off but he stayed.

He started to unzip his pants then I got scared. I pushed him off harder but still nothing. He pushed back the seat and held my hands above my head, now I need to figure out something and fast. I looked to my side over to the drivers seat and saw that his jeans were tossed over the head. I looked back the man to see him taking out his thing. I took this as my chance and knead him in his balls and he leaned over. I pushed the door open and he fell out still groaning. I was about to leave but then I saw his pants and the same wallet sticking out of it. I took it and ran off. While I was running I noticed my pants falling down for obvious reasons, so I pulled them up and buttoned them up. I heard the man calling.

"I will find you!!!"

But that didn't stop me I kept running until I couldn't anymore. I saw a 'Comfy' rock to sleep on for the night so I stumbled over to it and crumbled to the ground and put my head on the rock, the thoughts come rushing back and I remember how I was almost to weak to get that pig off me, so I started crying, just bawling right there. God my life sucks.

I took out the wallet and saw at least 200 dollars. This instantly made my mood higher. To say that this was the most money I have ever gotten, stolen, is an understatement. I put the money in my back pocket and left the wallet on the ground. I took out the map I had and the compass I got for my last birthday at the foster home. Now where am I, ah ha found it. I'm in Athens. This is going to be along time till I at least get to Ohio...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2019 ⏰

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